Texas Christian University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Texas Christian University?


The kind of person that is not striving to be unique in their choice of clothing; the kind of person that likes to dress like their going for a yacht ride.


A person who wants to join a fraternity or sorority, is friendly, social, and focused on school should attend this school.


someone with money or who can find good scholarships and loans. Pre-med majors and business majors


Someone who is able to afford it and is not looking for a huge school.


The stereotype is rich little southern preppy kids. I'm from nebraska and not incrediuby rich and not so preppy. i have kids in my class that fit the stereotype and i have kids from california and then kids that dress all punk rock so anybody can attend this school. What's great about TCU is you can make it whatever you want. everyone is accepting regardless of what ur like