Texas Christian University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Texas Christian University?


The Meal Plan.


Too many rich kids.


The most frustrating thing is signing up for classes online. It is easy to do, but the classes fill up quickly with the good teachers. But, those good teachers usually understand and give you a permit to enroll in their class. All it takes is an e-mail, but it's annoying to do.


Trying to find parking is absolutely ridiculous. I would have to go to school sometimes an hour early just to get decent parking.


if you come in without much scholarship and do well, it is almost impossible to get more aid. It is too expensive and they just assume that everyone can pay for it. If you cannot afford it, instead of helping you, they tell you to transfer and not everyone can be a horned frog.




That a lot of the people are just the same that go there. It's such a clique school with certain kinds of people only hanging out with certain people.


The emphasis on greek life is exhausting and really ruins the academic side of the school. The newer classes are more rude and spoiled than the previous classes, and the greeks behavior (this behavior) overshadows and runs off any good and intellectual students. I myself cannot wait to graduate for this reason, and am somewhat shameful to admit TCU as my undergraduate school.


Not enough financial aid