Texas Christian University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have known that sorority/ fraternity life was such a big deal. I didn't think that I would like it, but I ended up joining two sororities. (one christian and one regular sorority). It has been a great experience, but I wish I would have known how big they were on campus.


nothing, it is exciting to come in not knowing and learning as you go.


I wish I would have known how high the Greek to Non-greek ratio is.


How much tuition was going to increase


How much the cost would constatnly increse.


Before I came to TCU I wished I would have known that it has a very large sorority and fraternity based community. Because of this, morst of the people that hang out seem to have the same racial background. Coming from a very diverse high school I was accustomed to a diverse group and I just expected coming to college would be the same way, but TCU turned out to be very different.


That the tuition was going to go up every year...