Texas Christian University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Small classes, access to faculty, the city of Fort Worth, nice people, fairly strong athletics, nice facilities, good looking girls


THe best thing about TCU is the student body. There are so many activities that you can get involved in where you meet a lot of different, new people. It is an amazing experience. Everywhere you go on campus, you are bound to pass some one that you know very well, and someone that you are close with. Because of this close knit university, I would reccommend TCU to any prospective student.


Relationships with professors and their availibility to help. Also, the requirement to learn about aspects of life and other cultures that are not always required by other schools.




The opportunities in fort worth to use our skills we are learning.


The best thing about TCU is definitely it's size. It's big enough so that you can have your own life but smal enough you get to know a lot of people. Because it has such a nice size it is able to have a lot of organizations that really connect with the students. Once you find the right organization for you, you feel more apart of the school and community.


The best thing about TCU is that it's just the right size to where you can see similar faces everyday, but not too small to the point that you're only seeing the same people and not able to meet new people. TCU is also the right size as far as class size goes. There are only a couple classes that have more than 60 people in it. Almost all of my classes haven't had more than 40 people in it.


I'd have to say four things: police force, school spirit, location, and the campus. I admire the amount of school spirit, for being such a small school we can definitely hold our own against the likes of UT or OU. Also, the close-to-downtown location is very convenient and makes for a very comfortable feel. The police on campus are phenomenal and I feel safe here, despite the location of being close to downtown, which is usually a recipe for trouble on campus from external influences. The campus itself is beautiful. It is sprawling yet compact.


The friends that I have made, my Christian sorority, the small community and pretty (the parts that aren't under construction) campus.


The emphasis on academics