Texas Southmost College Top Questions

Describe the students at Texas Southmost College.


They are the type of students who invest time only on studies and don't really participate unless there is free something.


There are a lot of students who work really hard!


They are very helpful.


My classmates are well prepared.


It would take more then 100 words to describe my group of classmates, they range from being extemely timid to being the loudest person in the room, my classmates are funny but serious when needed, they act and talk in professionsal manners which is essential to our field of study, but all my classmates know how to incorporate a little bit of humor into what can be a serious field of study and career.


I could describe my classmates by saying that they are respectful to each other and helpful.


I love my classmates. I have always been a shy person and when i was to enter college i was very nervous. I thought that the students were going to be mean to me or even bully me but once I got to know my classmates my worries fade. The students here are very nice. No one discriminates or mistreats others. I can feel free and at ease when im on campus, I feel free to be me.


diverse, ready to learn and just a sense of good curiousity.


Some of them are really eager to learn, and they give the professor all their attention. They ask questions and with all respect the professor answer them. Others really don't care, they are doing something else and they don't give their attention to the professor.


I have not started school yet , because i will enter in january , but i hope they will be respectful, amazing and the most important thing for me, that they have something interesting and new to tell me everyday , learn about them .