Texas Southmost College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Texas Southmost College is a is a school that I consider one of the best in the country. Texas Southmost College is a place where I know I will learn in many different fun ways and enjoy learning. The best thing about Texas Southmost College that the teachers priority is teaching us the students in a very intelegent manner; and the students priority is learning from our incredible teachers.


the best thing about my school are my classmates. i really enojoy having great classmates becuase when in need of help i can esaely go to one of them and i know for sure that i will recieve the help i need.


the most important thing about my school is the kindness and interest from the advisors into the students. Freshmen year was kind of stressful to me. When entering a new school with a different way of learning most people feel frustated and lost. This can make the first year be chaotic but when you have caring advisors, you can feel at ease because if you feel confused or if you have questions, you know you can count on them.

Cristo Jordany

Texas Southmost College has various positive things to talk about. First of all, we could start talking about its location. The school's location is very important for students and TSC is properly located. Second, the careers offered by the school are very promising. Texas Southmost College offers important careers such as : Architecture, Business, Criminal Justice, Nursing, etc. The institutions' teachers are well qualified; qualified teachers often lead to a more efficient learning process. Finally, the ability to create your own schedule makes Texas Southmost College a great choice if you are currently working and desire to develop your career.


I would have to say the best thing about my school is the professors. The administration at Texas Southmost College is very selective when hiring those who will have the greatest influence on its students. Every professor I've had since being enrolled here is more than qualified, highly intellgent and knowledgeable in their subject matter. Professors are more than willing to meet outside of class whenever student's need additional help.


The best thing about Texas Southmost College is that it is so close to my home. I am receiving a quality education and the College is only 20 minutes away from my home. Also, the tuition at TSC is very affordable, especially since I do not qualify for financial aid and I am paying for school on my own.


When I got my high school diploma, I came to live In Brownsville because I want to go to College here. It was a difficult change for me because English is not my first language, but I’m trying each day. My main goal is getting a bachelor degree, but first I want to get an associated at TSC. After this, I want to go to UTB and study accounting.


The best thing about my school is how helpful the teachers and faculty are. They strive to help us in any way they can on a daily basis.


The amount of diversity and backgrounds people have, and how much we're willing to succeed in such a small underestimated city as Brownsville is seen as. It pushes us above and beyond in terms of power and success.


The best thing about my school is the tutoring labs. There is 4 tutoring labs for Math, English and reading. This tutoring labs have been of so much help for me in my math class. My teacher gives us homework every day we attend to class and since im not really good at math i strugle a lot when i try to do it my self, The tuttors are students from this same school so it is easier to cummunicate with them and being able to study together.