Texas Tech University Top Questions

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The school spirit is very strong here.


Compared with other schools Texas Tech University not only competes academically and socially with America's top universities, but it also has come to feel like home for me which I feel could have only been possible at this amazing university.


The feeling among the students was most friendly at Tech


Our school spirit is amazing. We are rowdy at any event Texas Tech offers and we have fun.


Our student section is the loudest, funnest and biggest place. Campus gets empty when home football games are occuring and if you don't get there early you might not get seats.


Texas Tech has an expansive list of degree programs and areas of study and I found this appealing for a few reasons. It means the creation of a diverse study body as students are drawn to renowned programs from all over; exposure to new ideas, cultures, and people; and the opportunity to change our paths should we discover that our chosen majors are no longer a good fit. Self-discovery and awareness occur when we step out on our own and I couldn’t have chosen a better institution to serve as my home for those formative years.


Tech has to be one of the most unique schools I have seen. Not only does it have characteristic spirit and stand-out students, but the programs are great to match its appearance. I am from an entirely different state and even then coming here, I feel at home. People are welcoming and everybody is having fun and determined to work hard at the same time.


The loyalty of the surrounding community and alumns.


Texas Tech is in a small hometown enviroment.


The prestigious engineering schools, size of the student body, and sports.