Texas Tech University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Texas Tech University?


That we are UT's and A&M rejects


That we do not have smart people and that its not challenging. Also, that there are alot of STDs and we have a very roudy audience during sporting events.


Its only a party school. Everyone just cares about drinking. There is nothing to do in Lubbock. Everyone has STD's


The everyone up here has STD of some sort. We are the worst students when it comes to sportsmanship.


Rough, Rowdy, Rude, Obnoxious, Loud, Mean, Unintelligent, belligerent, unfocused.


We are rednecks.


The school is not qualified to provide a quality education as UT or other notable schools. It is thought of as a party school.


We are a fraternity and sorority associated university. We teand to be very proud of our school as we have a lot of school spirit and support


That we have STD's...which is not true...in fact we are the 2nd lowest in the Big 12. We are drunk...all the time! Not true...most of my friends don't drink very often...plus, what college DOESN'T have people who get drunk? We didn't get into A&M or UT. LIES LIES LIES! Yeah, we have the few who say that...but many of the people in my classes were valedictorian of their high school, as well as me.


I hear frequently that the reason many of the students that go to Texas Tech do so because they were not accepted to the University of Texas or Texas A&M.