Beautiful campus and great area
I wish I would have known how cold it got in the winters and how hard and cold the winds blow here! I also wish I would have known how much I would miss my family while living 9 hours from home. I still would've come but maybe I could've prepared myself a little bit more for it.
There are a lot of things I wish I would have known before I started. I wish I would have known about FAFSA before I got into my freshman year of high school, because what was supposed to be the best year of my college life ended up being somehat exhausting because I was tight on money. I also wish I would have known about the other majors offered at school, because I ended up switching my major towards the end of my freshman year to Pre-med/Nutrition (which I'm glad I did).
I wish I had know to get to know my teachers better and make friends with the students in my classes instead of keeping to myself. I also wish I had known that my college is rascist and only favors white students when it comes to getting help for paying for my education. Also they only help students that have a 3.0 or better.
Being from a small town, I wish I had known that it was in a small town . I noticed that it is constantly growing everyday. i did some research on Texas Tech University, so coming here was not a surprise!
I wish I would have known how much money college really was. I wish that I had tried harder on applying for scholarships. If I had the chance I would apply for more that way I would not be one hundred percent on student loans. Another I wished, is that I was told how hard college would really be. In high school I never had to study and once I came to collge, I had no idea how.
Before I came to Texas Tech I wish I would have known how much more studying I would need to be doing. In high school they attempted to prepare us for the work load we would have in college, yet they were not even close. Although you have alot more free time in college, any student that wants to suceed and make good grades must put in alot of time and effort studying. Time managment is a big struggle in college and I wish I would have been more prepared for it beforehand.
I wish I had known that it is more accepting of the GLBTQ community than I had though. Before I got here, I assumed that Lubbock would be filled with a bunch of anti-gay people. When I got here, I realized that Lubbock is a lot more tolerant than one would think. While it is far from perfect, I wouldn't exactly call being a homosexual in Lubbock "dangerous."
I wish I had known more of what college was going to be like and how to manage my time. I feel as though high school left me with the impression college was going to devour my life and my time. I have come to realize now that college is all about time management and what you do with it.
Everything and nothing. To be honest, I had never heard of Texas Tech University before I decided to apply and visit the campus. I'd probably have ended up here even if I did grow up loving the University. There is so much that I love about this school after visiting it my senior year in high school and now after attending 2 years here. I look forward to all of the opportunities that await me and my graduation from this fine institution.