The Evergreen State College Top Questions

Describe how The Evergreen State College looks to someone who's never seen it.


Everygreen is a healthy enviroment.


Absolutley amazing.




The Evergreen State College is a place for independent young thinkers to thrive and blossom into charismatic grown thinkers as they find their way- and find themselves- along this beautiful journey we call life.


Evergreen is a great school for self-motivated individuals who are interested in the inter-relationships between social, economic and environmental subjects and issues. Evergreen is one of the pioneers in inter-disciplinary studies and has a long tradition in empowering students with a well-balanced understanding of the world. As such, the Evergreen experience provides a solid foundation for engaging the world in a meaningful, compassionate and ethical manner.


Going to Evergreen is like living with a bunch of hippies and hipsters in the middle of the woods for 3/4 of the year, with all the partying, diversity, activism and open-mindedness that entails.


Evergreen creates a great learning enviornment, and once you get used to it there is no stopping the anount of knowledge you can gain!


This year has been a learning expence for me here at Evergreen, it is not like the other colleges I have attended. It is more open and not so restictive of the classes you take.


Evergreen is a unique school that allows students to pursue their interests in an alternative learning environment.


Evergreen is environmental, liberal, and wet.