The Evergreen State College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend The Evergreen State College?


Students who need a lot of structure should not attend this school. Students are treated as responsible adults here and must take responsibility for their own actions, there is no hand holding. Right winged students might find this atmosphere frustrating.


Self motivated learners and people who want to study more than one subject.


Conservative, biased, close minded, dislikes nature


A kind of person who shoudn't attend this school is someone who doesnt want to experiment with their college career. Someone who expects to have their nose in a book the whole time they are in college. If a person wants a hard core structure, they won't find that at Evergreen.


Someone who prefers to just take tests and get through school without sharing ideas and group projects.


- Evergreen is not the best place for people who prefer a high degree of structure or feel uncomfortale with flexibility in selecting courses; i.e., there are often a number of paths one can take in obtaining a degree in a given area of interest. - Evergreen is not the best place for people with a narrow view of the world who wish to retain that narrow view of the world. - Mean people also shouldn't to attend Evergreen... unless they plan on changing and becoming nice in the first few days -- then it's OK.


The kind of person that should not attend The Evergreen State College is one who is not self motivated or interested in college.


Someone who is uptight.


A person who needs a lot of structure should not attend Evergreen. Evergreen programs are very self-motivated. There are no rules or requirements for graduation other than number of credits. The student is in total control of his or her education, so there is a lot of work and responsibility on the part of the student to get the education he or she wants. If you want a path laid out for you, you shouldn't go to Evergreen.


I would recommend Evergreen to someone who is self-directed and interested in charting their own liberatory education. Folks who do well here are intrinsically motivated and interested in the world. Please, more radicals and fewer culturally appropriative hippies who have an essentialist, homogenized view of indigenous societies and want to change the world by tripping balls and being really groovy.