Visit many many colleges to get the full experience.
FInding the right college is a difficult task. You must go to the college before you decide to attend. It is the most important step in chosing your college. If you feel comfortable on campus, with the people who work at the school and attend the school, it will be a good fit for the student. Making the most of the college experience is incrediby individual. You will learn that there is a balance you must achieve between your academic work and your time spent outside the school. Being independent in that way can be overwhelming. When you balance academics with fun, you will make the most out of your experience at college. Its supposed to be fun but make the most of your time!
Make the effort to figure out what intreset you and how you learn. Talk to a councler or make a list of things you want in a college. If you know what you want then picking a college can be easier. Once there, make an effort to get connected with avaliable on campus extra-curricular options. You may be busy but it will enrich your college experience. Take advantage of any facilities or equipment the college may provide and don't be afraid of asking questions to professors.
Make sure to know your type of personality and choose a college with a similar personality. Ask/ find out what the predominate student-body mind-set is at a potential college. You won't want to go to a mostly liberal school if you're very conservative.
When you walk onto your colleges campus, you will know it. The college selection process is much less about the numbers that are published in the viewbook, or the way a college describes itself. When you have found the RIGHT college, the vibe in the air will feel right.
When you have found the place that clicks with your ideas- visit. A campus visit is absolutely essential. Take the tour, but also sit down with the academic advising people. they will be able to better represent where the collective midset of the college is, and are often vaguely fun.
Once you've decided though, charge forward at full steam- go!
Don't look at what kind of "prestige" the school has. Stanford ratings don't reveal anything about whether the faculty have worked in the field prior to teaching at all. How the faculty interact the the students is the key to the student's performance. Also, their interest in their community outside of academics is a great insight. If you see a lot of student involvement in religious groups, low-income assistance groups, etc, during your visit to a campus, it means the students are satisfied and are helping others because they are happy with their lives. I chose my school for one program and was lucky that when I changed my major I was at a school that I could flip-flop as much as I wanted and be happy with all of the courses. Variety is the space of life!
Finding the right college is about knowing how you learn best and knowing who you are, and making the most of your college experience is all about staying positive and proactive.
I chose my college because I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I knew I wanted interdisciplinary learning. This college gives me an amazing amount of academic freedom-- I have created my own classes, added elements to different classes, and done an amazing amount of extra projects on the side with the encouragement of my inspiring faculty members. And even though I'm a mathematics major, it's a holistic approach to mathematics: I've learned an incredible amount about philosophy, history, and science to put all of my mathematics knowledge into proper perspective.
But no matter what your institution is like, making the most of your education is about being a positive and proactive person. Talk to your professors outside of class, form study groups and friendships and connections with classmates. Don't be afraid to try out new activities or learn a new subject. Approach college as you would approach life-- with zeal and love-- and you will have an amazing college experience.
I would give this advise...
look deep into yourself, spend as much time as possible delving into your heart and soul, seek out what it is that truely makes you happy! Ignore money, expectations placed on you, the outside world; look inside yourself for what really matters. I went to a community college then tranferred to Evergreen after 3 years there; I had no idea I could have come this far, but I did! I looked inside myself and realized...I have passion, drive, love and a creative spirit that needs a positive environment in which to grow. If you realize that you havea wide variety of interests, and cannot seem to focus on one or two to get your "major" in, do not worry, I am in that exact boat, which is why Evergreen is so fantastic, they help you put it all together into a uniquely YOU degree without majors or minors! There is somethng for everyone.
When looking into what college to go to, or what classes/majors to take...focus on what makes you happy, run with that!!
"Live the life you love, Love the life you live!" -Irish Proverb
Location, proce, subject material, social settings, faculty to student ratio. Those are all very important things and Evergreen has the best to offer for all the above.
Finding a college that fits you just right is very important. One major suggestion that I would make for parents and/or students looking into colleges for the future would be to make sure you visit the campus. It is so important to see the type of scenery that will be surrounding you for most of the year. Another suggestion I would make is to talk to many people at each of the campuses to see how they feel about it. Make sure you ask them about the worst thing on the campus, the best thing on the campus, and the thing they would most want to improve. It's important that you get many people's perspectives. As for making the most of the college experience? I would say go into your first year (or every year) with a very open mind, willing to hear others opinions and ideas. However, don't ever do anything you don't want to do. Once you find the college for you you'll know it. It'll feel right walking through the hallways rushing to get to class, or eating in the cafeteria with a bunch of others. You'll just know.