The advice that I would give myself would be that my ambission in my life as well as the overall attutide that I have will strongly determine what will happen in school. If I make no attempt to pass, then chances are that I will not. However, if I take the time to go to class, be on time, turn in assignments and be motivated to do the things which I need to do to complete the class then I will be able to pass with flying colors. I know that now, as I sit among those who do not want to be there in class or do anything the teachers say that it is up to them the outcome of their grades no one elses. I have the determination now that I did not have then and only through a life of hard learning in these last few years was I able to see that.
I would simply tell myself to slow down and look at the big picture and get involved more. My senior year was extremely difficult for me because I missed a few weeks of school due my Diabetes and it was a struggle to pass and graduate. I believe my biggest downfall was that I did not spend as much time as I should have on reaching out to get scholarships and financial aid because if I got accepted to JMU I was going to get a scholarship to be the manager for their football team, but because of my absence my grades suffered as a result and did not get in. So once I graduated I started taking classes at the community college and just was able to get the money to pay for that because I only work part time as a waitress and my parents have their own expenses and my medical expenses they are not able to help me right now. Although it has been really hard it will be rewarding knowing I was able to graduate because of me and my efforts to get me there and it not just handed to me.
You are very interested in History, continue to take American history in College because Evergreen will also cover the culture and philosopical norms of the time period the history course covers. You will leave feeling very educated on the politics, films, literature, and cultral norms of the place and time period you are studying. Also it is in your best interest to participate in student government, it is the best way to learn about the procedures of joining clubs, theater, or creating clubs on and off campus.
If I had the chance to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would wind up looking at myself and telling me that I should have had more faith in myself and explored my options. Not to just think that oh well I'm not gonna be able to afford anything other than community college. I could at least apply to a few different schools and seen what they have to offer, because I am smart enough and I deserve a great education.
Okay, if this is the criterion on which this scholarship is based, I doubt I stand a chance. In truth, the advice I would give myself as a high school senior is far too personal to submit here. So here goes nothing.
Go somewhere, make the right choice to invest time, energy, and money where you're genuinely valued and wanted. Get state residency. Travel more and do more internships.
I would tell myself to stick to my studies and do well in my classes. When I got out of high school, I did not want to go straight to college and I didn't do well in my classes because I didn't apply myself. If I could redo it all over I would stick to it and do things right.
I would advise myself to think twice. To consider more about the future and less about satisfying immediate impulses. I would tell myself that I am actually worth something. I would remind myself that I do have a future and that there is hope for me. I would say, self, when you have children what kind of father do you want to be. I would say, what kind of role model do you want to be. I would say save yourself the drama and focus on your future, stop leaving for crumbs and save up to enjoy the entire meal. I would have directed myself to make better decision about what it means to go forward with my educational future. Self, study hard, focus and invest in yourself.
I would tell my self to take more challenging classes and to do dual enrolement to better prepare myself for college. I would also tell my self to apply for more scholarships so that way I get to stay at Emory & Henry College.
College life is not as easy as many people think and one needs to be well prepared to work hard in order to accomplish his/her goals. First of all schedule your time well allowing for class and personal study time. Then ensure that you attend all class lessons unless there is an emergency. If any make sure you inform your instructor and try as much as possible tio catch up with all the class work that you missed during your absence. Next make sure you are attentive in class and take all lecture notes as much as you can, If you miss on any point please do ask your instructor as they are always ready and willing to help and support you achieve your career goals. Next make sure you do all home work and assigmnets given by your instructor as this contributes to most of the final grade. Incase you fail in any you seek for tutoring services. Most colleges offer this for free to all their students and they have very professional tutors. Finally meke sure you stick to your career objective and dont get waived away by friends or or college life style.