The Master’s University and Seminary Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about The Master’s University and Seminary?


When I brag about my college, I brag most about the music department at Master's. The teachers encourage their students toward better musicianship, and also help their students to learn lessons for life. I had teachers who pushed me to be the best I could be and showed me by example how hard work pays off. I learned discipline, time management, respect for others, how to work as a team in af performing environment, and how to listen well to others. I loved the music department because they trully loved their art, which inspired me to love it more.


Atmosphere of the campus, it's peaceful and feels very safe. It's also small and tight knit which I like.


The spiritual atmosphere here. Everyone at this campus is so Christ-centered and committed to my growth as a believer in Jesus Christ.


The great Bible professor!


It is extremely well rounded academically. The professors are always around, and willing to help. The community is one of a kind, and you cannot make better friends than the ones you would make here.


How conservative it is.