Have a Mary Poppins mentality! This is what I would advise myself if I were able to talk to my high school self. No, I do not mean "Let's Go Fly a Kite" instead of doing homework. What I mean is stated in the lyrics of the song, "A Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down," when Mary says, "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun." She goes on to encourage the children in her care to find the fun in their work, and it will be done in a snap. I would go back to my senior high school year and tell myself to find the fun, the adventure, the exhilaration that can be found in learning. I focused far too much on the grades, and it made learning a grind, a project to endure, a task to cross off the list. Learning became a chore rather than a joy. Learning should be another avenue of what we enjoy in life.
Knowing what I know now about college I would go back and tell the high school version of myself that make sure I pay attention to what is going on. I need to stay focus and not let what everyone else is doing because in the end it will not matter where I was but what I did to get there and how I made it. I would remind myself that I need to decide on a degree and stick with it because no matter what I choose to change it to I went back to the original one which is Special Education. By sticking with the degree I want I can finish faster and not have to waste too much money on classes I do not need. In the end there would not be too much I would warn myself about college because the choices I made has helped me becoming the person I am today. Someone who trust people but not too much because they will let you down when you least expect it.
College life is different from high school. You have more control over what you study and how to study it. Don't let your personal life get in the way of your education and realize the importance of keeping a schedule. Setting a routine may be dull but it's beneficial mentally, physically, and especially academically. Don't be afraid to ask questions and don't be afraid to ask advice from multiple advisors. Exercise your options and get involved in something fun; just to take yourself away from it all. Don't stop developing yourself as a person or keeping looking for an end point. You will continue to grow and to learn for the rest of your life. College is just one big, fantastic step along the way and be very, very grateful you have the opportunity to attend it. Don't lose sight of the big picture, but also don't look at the big picture so much that you miss all the things happening inside it. Oh, and don't be so hard on yourself. You are the only thing stopping yourself from achieving greatness and you're in control.
If I could possibly return to My High School Senior Year , I would start off with the First day School . I would take in consideration of the limited of time I actually had and self discipline myself to keep focused in School and to let go of the "Cool Kid" Mentality I once had . Times were Rough back then and Communication was a downfall in My home . I would first work out My communication problem with My parents in Hope that things could possibly progress more sufficiently in ways that can be beneficial to My academic matters . I would buckle down on studying more oftenly and lean myself towards the beauty of what Education is truly like and what it can do for myself and for others . I would decrease my time with friends and put that effort into homework , studying and family . I messed up earlier in My high school years but , If there was a possible way of transitioning back to those days , I would correct my mistakes and MAYBE I could have Graduated High School in CALIFORNIA and not Hawai'i . I would've pushed myself to do make myself & my family proud .
When you leave your sheltered hometown and find yourself at your new school away from your parents, please don't decide it is time to start the party. Buckle down, focus for 4-6 more years, finish your degree, and then take your time to party. Your actions caused you to lose a $20,000 scholarship that would have paid for those 4 years of school. Now, almost 20 years later, present me is wanting to send a foot back in time to kick your bottom for being so stupid. Once you finally get your head out of the clouds and realize what you threw away, you will regret your actions for years and years. I am 35 years old and I had the world handed to me on a silver platter and I scoffed at it. Thought I didn't need it. Well, past Lynley, you do.
High school feels so long ago -even though I am 19. I graduated at 16, even though I wasn't thrilled. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself, a lot of things. For instance, I would tell myself that even though I don't like the idea of going to college that early it'll be good because I never would have the friends I do now, that I should reach out to those around me and love them, that school is going to be hard but I still need to perservere, and that I need to take time to hang out with people. During, my time at community college, all I did was school. But, then my second year at Master's I realized I could take time out of my school and breathe. I hung out with people, sometimes; but even then most of my time was spend studying, writing papers, and doing my work study job. I was very concerned that if my grades dropped I wouldn't be able to go back to school, or pay off my loans. But, spending time with people makes school so much better. Its worth it.
It is not going to be easy. It might sound like a blast but that feeling won't last for long. Once you are there, get involved. Sports, intermurals, small groups, anything you can think of because it will put off that feeling of homesickness. Don't just hang around the first person you meet. She's a real pain in the but and will just make you angry. Don't worry though, she doesn't last long. Don't stress about student loans, you will be able to pay for them later, but worrying about it now won't help anyone. DO NOT drive like a crazy person when you play Cops & Robbers.... you will help yourself a lot by not causeing brake problems! The caf food... is not as good as it was when you visited, be warned. Write to people, it makes them feel good and it feels awesome when you get something in the mail back from them. Its ok not to be able to do things. Don't go spend a ton of money on pointless stuff. Skip the starbucks if you need too. 10 meals a week is enough!
Don't assume that just because you may be in the top 10 of your class and have higher than a 4.0 average, that college is going to be a breeze first semester. It won't be. Don't stop working hard, keep your scholarship, but also don't stress yourself out. In the midst of your school work and studying make sure to make time to get to know the people around you, on your wing, and in your dorm. Don't be scared to meet new people and reach out. Above all else, trust in the Lord for He is gracious and sovereign and He will provide. Remain faithful. "Give all your worries and cares to God for He cares about you" 1Peter 5:7.
I would tell myself of the many things I will learn. I would make sure that I were prepared mentaly for the many things I will learn. Growing closer to the Lord was the most important thing I will ever learn. This college drew me closer to the Lord and even maybe helped save me from eternal death in hell. Along with other things it taught me how to deal with evangelism. That is why we are here on this earth is to defend ourselves against all evil and tell others of Christ love. That is what this college teaches. I would tell myself of the many opportunites that I get to learn like studying abroad, getting to know wonderful professors and fellow believers. The ministrey opportunites also include helping the people in the community and telling of our Lord and Savior who can save us. I would also tell myself to make good friends which will last a life time. There are also believers there to encourage along with the willing professors who are there to help you through hard times you have in college. I would tell myself not to worry but trust in the Lord who saves.
I would tell myself: Don't go through this whole rigmarole of forcing yourself through majors that you don't really like and convincing yourself to enjoy things that you don't, all because you think that they will provide a livelihood for you. Pursue what you truly love doing and do well, and figure out how to make a living off of it later. It will save you a lot of time and anguish -- and don't worry, it'll all work out.