There are several things that I would tell myself. The biggest advice that I would give to myself would be not to overload myself. When I was in college, I overloaded myself with coursework as well as leadership responsibilities. For example, during my senior year I was the president of three different organizations. While I excelled academically and in my leadership abilities, I did not dedicate enough time to spend time with my friends. The other thing I would tell myself would to not get so attached to my professors, to do more work on my own, and to be more confident and not as shy. I would tell myself to stand firm in what I believe, even if I am standing alone.
The obvious answer is that I've gotten alot of knowledge out of attending college but more than that, I've gotten much more confident. I am able to apply what I learn in the classroom in my day-to-day life, professionally speaking. I am much more confident interacting with co-workers and clients at work, but also socially. Feeling educated and smart is a bigger confidence boost than any sort of physical make-over or improvement. To say attending college is valuable in that it improves the quality of life I may have down the line because I will potentially earn more is much less important than the increase in quality of life I am already experiencing through the confidence that going to college provides me.
My college has taught be to be scholarly in my work ethic and to be servant minded in my community. The professors have taught me that my GPA is important, but it is vital to make sure I am serving God with all my heart. The most important investment is people and this is not in opposition to my studies. I am constantly being encouraged to excel in my studies and in my social life. Ironically enough, I have learned that one of the secrets to pleasure is to be selfless in service. Serving is one of the most satisfying experiences a human can have. My school is radiant with the love of Christ and this is the most valuable aspect of my education that I am receiving.
My personal experience with knowledable instructors has been extremely rewarding. Working in the Graphics field as a pressman and working towards my Associates Degree n Graphic Design flew by rather fast. The college I attended has more than qualified instructors who give their knowledge in their respected fields most willingly. With a small student to instructor ratio working one on one was much more pleasurable, versus a larger University. This step or experience will allow me to go forward in my studies and gave me a good perspective of what will be required of me.
My study of Graphic Design has taught me to think, listen to the perspective customer or client, talke their ideas and work with design programs to convey their message.
My personal experience was so good that currently my son is also a student to help him in his studies in Computer Technology
One of the main lessons that I learned from college was working with other people Throughout my time in college, I had to be either paired up with a classmate or I had to work in a group. I found this concept to be very frustrating and also difficult because in most of the groups that I was involved in no one would take the lead or had a vision of what the group should do. I grew tired of mediocrity and the inability to communicate my ideas to the group, so I decided to start suggesting topics and delegating tasks. I realized that I enjoyed leading and that I had the ability to take charge of a situation. I also learned to communicate and listen to other members' ideas. Group work was a very valuable asset that I learned in college because it is intrigual in any work environment.
I am yet to start college, but I know that by attending Boyce College at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is valuable to me so that I may reach beyond my potential to do God's work for His kingdom.
The college experience has been all about learning to balance my life. It has helped mme to learn the seriousness of real life and preparing for the future, but it has also shown me the need for some downtime so I don't completely burn out. learning the delicate balance of giving my best to my studies and not ignoring my friends, family and community is a really valuable lesson.
If I could go back to myself in my senior year of high school I would tell myself several things. Firstly, don't get too conserned with your friends. Cherish your time with them but don't make your life revolve around them. Friends come and go it is just a part of life and you want friends that will compromise and not take advantage of your good nature. Second, even though the office people are rude pursue and ask for help and questions. Find out what classes you can take to help with scholarships. Take anatomy and physiololgy it will help in the future and AP classes look good on scholarships. Also dual enrollment are the best way to get ahead of the game for when you start college. Thirdly, I would tell myself how important the ACT is for scholarships. I would tell me GET A TUTOR to help you study for the ACT and teach you test taking strategies. These are things that when I was in high school I wish I had known. If someone would have told me these things I would have had a better start at college socially, financially, and in my education.
Dear pre-high-school-graduation self,
I know you may be slightly alarmed at receiving a letter from yourself in the future. Let me implore you to be calm and to do nothing drastic (not exactly being sure myself of how what you do might affect me presently!).
I assure you I write with your best intention in mind. It?s my hope to give you some man-to-man advice that may save you some headaches and heartache over the next few years. You see, college is a wonderful yet challenging time.
College levels the playing field. Some of the things you looked to in high school for your identity will no longer define you, but that?s ok. Embrace the opportunities to connect with people who are very different from you. Take risks.
Find out which professors are the best and take every class you can from them. You will learn just as much from their lives as you will from your textbooks. Study hard.
Finally, learn as much cooking from Mom as you can before leaving home. Otherwise you will be reduced to cooking hotdogs over the toaster.
With much affection,
Yourself, December 2009
Take your time making a decision about college. Don't be afraid to explore option, you often won't figure out what you want to do until you have some type of experience doing it.