The biggest problem I see with The University of Montana is their communication with both their incoming freshman and current students. Everything extending from dates of housing aplications, to class registration and all that has to be done. They have the information, but they don't send out it out to allow the ease of access for new students to be informed on all they need to be informed on.
The worst thing about the University of Montana is the age. If you are looking for a new, shiny, and aesthetically modern campus then this is not the place for you. With the exception of several buildings that have been built recently this is an older campus and you can tell from looking at it. It is very well kept and is not run down, but the styles of everything are older.
I put so much into my school as in being in the top clubs or extra-cirricular activties. When you get screwed over by the adminstration most lower teachers, etc will help. They will feel empathetic for you but when it comes to the higher position chairs, they won't help a single student if the University screwed up they protect themselves. But other than that its great school.
The parking is one of the most frustrating things at the University of Montana. Parking passes are also extremely expensive and alot of the time it is very difficult to even find a parking spot.
The town is completely focused on the football team because there are really no other sports teams in Montana, and due to that they allow the team to get away with pretty much anything. We made national news for it. It was and still is incredibly embarassing.
The worst thing about my school is the lack of scholarship opportunites available to its current unergraduate students. One is not allowed to apply for certain scholarships if certain other ones have been awarded to them, and there is also a lack of scholarships in general. This is a disadvantage for most students because we could use all the money we can to help fund our education.
The emphasis that the school put on sports over the arts was aggrevating because they should be treated equally.
The worst thing about this school is that there is no wireless interent in the dorms, it makes it a lot harder to bring your computer around with an ethernet cord.
The current scandal with the football players and date rape drugs.
The limited amount of parking space available for students and the expensive parking permit is the worst thing about our school. It is more convenient to be on foot and to use the bus to save money but not for time's sake.