The University of Montana Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend The University of Montana?


Although the University of Montana offers a wide range of options and opportunities to a diverse group of students, there are a select few down falls to the school. One who has no interest in learning about their surrounding world, has no hope to further their education, and has no intention to be active in the community has a low chance of enjoying the plethora of options presented on the Missoula campus. Perhaps one with a mind set as such would explore the options in locations other than The University of Montana.


This question doesnt relate to the University of Montana, Missoula. Anyone would love this school and be proud to be attending. The school attends to everyones needs and makes sure everyone is comfortable. There are different ways for students to get help with classes or other problems, the school helps financially and emotionally. It will give you success in your future with any career you choose! I love being part of the community there and learning new things everyday!


no one


Racest ignorant people who are not accepting of others.


Someone who is negative and not interested in community and teamwork. Someone uninterested in social interaction with people from different races, colors or creeds. Someone who craves the rigor of city life instead of a safe and laid back environment.


Someone who likes the outdoors and doesnt mind the cold. Someone who is career minded


I think that any 'kind of person' would love to attend this school. Now if someone hates being cold and snow for 8 months of the year, I would suggest they not move to Montana.


Students who want to go to school in an exciting city and do not like the cold or outdoors should not attend the U of M.


People who are not self motivated should not attend this school.


The kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is someone who has been sheltered for their entire life. They will not fit in with the student body because it seems as though many of the pupils attending the University of Montana arn't very acceptive if you make an imbisile of yourself.