The University of Montana Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Montana know before they start?


living in a dorm is the coolest experience ever! my roommate is from japan so im teaching her english while she teaches me some japanese. the people here are friendly and cool and everyone likes to ave a good time! College is a great experience and the university of montana is the perfect university to experience it!


I have obtained alot from my college experience. Throught my last two years I have broadened my views on life and my spectra in many different areas. I grew up in a different racial setting and culture. Before entering college I spent most of my time with family and relatives. Upon entering college I obtained much more then general book knowledge. I began realizing the different views and aspects on life coming from each and every sepeart cranial. Life is connected through a networking of people entertwined with different standards and life goals. Living a life in your own segregated thoughts and views withought accepting other peoples perspectives can be blinding, boring, and life hating. I learned alot about life in general in college and i hope in continuing my education will enhance my knowledge in many ways to come.


It's valuable because you can study and learn more... You can also have a bright future ahead .


As I prepare to teach a freshman introductory course this Fall, "what have I gotten out of college" is a more relevant question than ever before. I will be almost certainly dishing advice, and I want it to ring in my students’ ears. My answer is quite simple: In college, I found not just doors, but windows, tunnels, gateways, and trails. Before my first year I packed a bag, jumped on a plane, and embarked on college life knowing two things: I might be smart, I chose a major called Environmental Studies that I knew nothing about. After graduating with 33 classmates moving to any sort of city - even in Montana - was a leap. Since, I have learned what being an environmentalist means, I realized my brains could keep up with any other person, even those from high schools larger than mine, and I added something called a P-L-A-N to my life. Now I have dreams: graduate school, making the American West my home, and a future "green" career. Leaving a tiny town, I had no idea college could easily slide open the doors I needed, allowing so much wonderful, directing air to rush in.


My college experience has completely dictated who I have become today as an independent person finding their way into the real world. I have acquired skills that not only go towards my academic career and future profession - but I have also developed life skills. These include - general responsibility, learning how to make/handle/spend my own money, living alone, balancing social lives, work and alone time. Also study skills, people skills, and how to get along independently. College does not just prepare one for a future profession but builds essential life skills.


I have learned more about myself through my college experience and I don't think I could have learned these lessons anywhere else, or quite as well, as I did at college.


I must honestly say that I have learned so much academically. I learned that the world is flat according to Tom Freidman, and that changed my life. From this I learned that I need to step it up and learn to learn, although this was knowledge that was important to my success. There is something I have learned that you can’t get from books, or lectures. I learned to love myself; I have self-esteem like I never did before. I really learned to be me, and happy about myself. I grew up in a community where you were put down a lot for being smart, or caring about school. I lost my self-esteem, and confidence. I began not caring about school. It wasn’t until I graduated in May with an A.A. in Administrative Management. I learned to love myself. I realized it was ok to be smart. I’m so grateful for my opportunity to follow my dream of one day being a hospital administrator. Like I said I have learned so many different things, that have given me so much knowledge, but the most important is I learned to love myself.


During the few years of attending college, I experienced discovery, ethics, and a desire to accomplish all of my lifetime goals. The first months of attending college away from my family, friends, and home, I was surprised how quickly I adapted to the new environment and how to travel without assistance. In the college that I attended, moral and ethics were the key components to developing a positive atmosphere around oneself and in a profession. Learning about these components made me want to change the way I thought about the rest of the world and convinced me that not everyone has one attitude. Making my way into the other end of the country made me realize that I can go anywhere and do anything. Attending college these last few years has made me want to explore the world and its wonders. College not only gives you the degree you need to be recognized as a professional, but it also makes you qualified for opportunities that the average person may never appreciate. Attending and completing college shows your determination to accomplish more than you could dream. I thought I knew how the world worked. Experiencing college taught me a lot more.


When I first decided to attend college, it was because my high school english teacher inspired me with his story of learning who he truly was as a person when he went to college. I thought I would go to school and 'find myself', but I've actually learned a lot more about my life than just who I am. In high school I felt like an outcast because I wasn't good at sports and all my classmates (all eleven of them) were competitive. Once I started school at the Universityof Montana, I met new people (and in a lot larger school than a little school called Alberton High School) and they didn't care that I wasn't athletic or that I didn't like to party. The University has taught me that I don't have to fit into some pre-determined category to be important, and I don't have to answer to anyone's stereotypes. I also love the challenge it's been for me (academically), and I've taken so many different courses, and I know now that I can be proud of myself.


What I have gained from my college experience is a new found appreciation for the amount of work and deadication that it takes to obtain a degree, also how interesting it can be. This has been valuable since i had the oppurtunity to learn many different concepts and the meet many unique people. Also these experiences and interactions have help me to clarify what I want to in the future.