In finding a college, make sure it is where you feel your heart is. Make use of a college that offers you a career opportunity inside and outside of school. It should be a place where you could also call home and not just a structured insitution of learning - a place where a mixture of fun and learning blends really well. Choose a path and a place that you know will bring out the best of your abilities and potential as a person. You're already in college, show what you want to become in the near future and don't be afraid to express yourself now more than ever.
Finding the right college can be a challenging process, but it should not overwhelm students or parents. Some high school students may have a rough idea of what they want to do for a living, but once they get to college, things can really change. It is difficult to know how to make the most out of the college experience until one begins taking classes. So I think it is important for students pursuing post-secondary education to seek a school that has values that are similar to those of the student.
When choosing a college, it is best to get to know the community that houses the University. This is the best way to guess what the campus is like if it is not an option to visit the campus.
Students should also consider enrolling as an ?undecided? major. It gives students the chance to understand what they enjoy learning about the most, without wasting finances. As a freshman, I was very decided on elementary education. But after a semester of classes, I realized I was more interested in other studies.
Ultimately, leaving room for changes and getting involved on campus is crucial for an extraordinary college experience.
Go to the school and hang out to see if you fit the culture.
Finding the right college is all about be comfortable in the environment. If you feel at ease on campus, in the classroom, and in the dorms, chances are you will be a good fit for that school. Also, look closely at activities you enjoy and see if they offer those in the community. It's important to get out of study-mode and take some time to do things for yourself. To make the most of the college experience, I think the most important thing is to make sure you remain true to yourself. There are a lot of social and academic pressures associated with attending college. As long as you don't compromise who you are, your experience will be a good one. Finally, soak it up! Enjoy being in a new environment, meeting new people, and learning.
I would recommend parents and students to take their time in chosing a university. I would also highly recommend to go and visit potential schools and really listen to your gut feeling that you get from being on the campus and take time and really research and ask questions. Last, I would tell them to keep money and costs out of the decision, because if you feel confident in that school, there are ways to budget and pay for school.
make the most of it
The college you chose does not make the experiences happen for you. It is all about your personal outlook on life. If you study hard and maintain your goals, any college or university will be able to set you up for success. The university only enhances your future, so you must be the one to create it.
While the colorful brochures and the impressive sounding statistics may seem convincing, universities excel at selling good qualities while hiding bad ones. After evaluating and narrowing down your list of potential choices, plan a visit to each campus. Although touring the campus and asking questions can be helpful, pay attention to how you feel while there. Try to find a college that you can see yourself enjoying through the good times and the bad for the next four to five years. More than anything else, your environment will have the greatest effect on your success and could very well determine whether your graduate or drop out.
Finding the right college for students is all about feel. Take your time, look at some different colleges and ask questions to get a feel for what college will be like on an everyday basis. Once you have made your decision and leave for college be open. By being open you will make the most of your college experience and that starts with dorm rooms. Leave your door open when you are there, because it promotes interaction with many people who will become your friends by semester's end. Getting to know people in your dorm develops friendships that will last a life time. Following that continue to balance your social and academic life by getting involved with other campus groups. This will help you make the best of your college experience, and by being open and getting involved you will make life long friends that will be there for the rest of your life.
Visit the campus, talk to the faculty and students that currently enrolled. Make sure its an environment that you are going to like, both socially and the outdoor scene. Also, check out the curriculum and make sure they offer classes that you are interseted in, even make sure they offer your second and third major or minor choices, cause you never know when you might change your mind.