I think that several classes at UT are actually harder than a lot of people think. The stereotype is that being a state school it isn't hard, but that is not true. Depending on the class size the teachers know your name, especially once you have gotten into your major. Students study as often as they want, but it is either all the time, or rarely, depending on the person and the type of student they are. Most education is geared towards learning for its own sake, not towards getting a job, but the advertising major actually has an entire class that focuses on getting a job which is really helpful.
Only a few proffessors know my name. My favorite class is spanish 212 with Jules Harris. She makes the class well worth my time. My least favorite class is calculus 141.. it is very difficult. It really depends on the individual student on how often they study. I know that i study about 8 hours outside of class. Students are very competitive. I've heard many intellectual conversations while riding the T. I don't spend time wtith proffessors outside of class. Utk offers many outstanding courses and help from career services.. so UTK is definately geared towards getting a job
Mt favorite classes are my science ones because I like the topics we discuss. My least favorite is Calculus because it is very tough. My professors in small classes (20-30) usually know my name. I study a lot for my classes, and I believe others so as well. The school and students are pretty competitive.
I feel very comfortable in all of my class, large or small. I have found that professors are usually willing to help and offer advice if needed. Lots of my professors know me by name and remember specific contributions I have made to the lecture. UTK College of Business Administration has a very difficult curriculum. I often wonder if the curriculum will be rewarded in my job search. I have found that UTK business students are very competitive in and out of class.
I am a Spanish major and I love that department. I do meet with professors outside of the classroom. We have "tertulias" at a local bar on Friday afternoons. Most of my professors know my name because now my classes have become smaller. But my freshman year I am not sure anyone knew my name nor cared.
I have loved all of my classes. I have become a better writer. I think at a big school such as this one you only get out of the class what you put into it.
Because UTK is such a large campus, many of the classes have hundreds of students in them. It makes it much more difficult to have a one-on-one relationship with professors because they have to focus on so many students. Most times, teachers don't know my name. But I also feel that one's performance in a class says enough about who they are. My major is Psychology, and I am very pleased with the department. There is a wide range of available classes, and the professors seem very concerned with their students' progressions through the major. I am also taking prerequisite classes for physical therapy school and have found that science classes on this campus tend to have less focus on students as individuals.
Some professors know my name. I study lots! Class participation is common if the teacher requires it, or if a student is trying to get a letter of recommendation. Students are very competitive. I don't think lots of genereal education requirements are that necessary, especially for people who are certain about what they want to do.
Academics at UTK are getting better. Most of my professors know my name, because many of my classes are smaller than I expected them to be. My favorite class is Spanish, and my least favorite would have to be Sociology, just because it doesn't interest me. Students aren't as competitive here than they were at my small high school. The most unique class for me has been Scandalous Women in American History. It was a class I had to take for the Honors program. I'm majoring in Advertising, but I just now switched so I don't know much about the department thus far.
some proffesors get to know the students, and some don't care at all. i like the teachers who actually take time to get to know the students and have a small number of students in their classes. larger classes seem to lack people because normally the professor is boring and talks the whole time.