If I could go back a year, I would advise myself to save more money. Being an out-of-state student has proven to be terribly expensive. I am hopeful I will be able to return next year. I was involved in high school sports, so a part-time job was not possible. Working as a lifeguard each summer allowed me to save some money, which I did, but opportunities for teenagers in our depressed economy are slim.
I would also tell myself to take an additional math class in high school. That may have helped me earn a higher SAT score, which, in turn, may have allowed me to qualify for scholarships.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to always stay focused on what I want most out of life but always stay open to new experiences. In my opinion, it is impossible to completely prepare for the tough transition from high school to college. College is where you begin to truly find out who your are and who you want to be. For most people, it is the first time being on their own and as hard as it can be to stay focused, it is definitely worth it in the long run. Entering college you are instantly put in an environment unlike any other. I am a junior and can honestly say that these have been and will continue to be the best years of my life. I have grown so much as a person and continue to grow everyday, making memories I will never forget. I can not stress enough how important I believe it is to always take chances and always be open to learning and understanding what you do not know, while staying focused on what you want for your future.
The only advice I would have for myself would be to stay focused and choose the right dorm! If I had been focused the transition would have been much easier because I would have always been prepared. By prepared I mean, knowing where i needed to be, when I needed to be there, and what I needed to have with me there. Those 3 simple things would have made just about every aspect of coming to a large university abundantly easier. I was also surprised at the effect being in the wrong dorm could have. If I had been in a place where I was really happy and knew everyone I wouldn't have gotten much work done. But, being in a place where I was unhappy had pretty much the same affect since I always left to be with my friends. I would have told myself to find a place where I was happy but, also somewhere I'd be productive.
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that I know high school was easy, but get ready for a whole new world once you start college. College is much more demanding and takes a while to get used to because you don't know anybody and the environment is very different. But once you get used to it, it turns into one of the best experiences of your life. I would also tell myself that making friends is very important when you first get on campus. The friends you make in your first year could last you the rest of your college experience. Lastly, I would tell myself to not hold back and to get involved in on-campus activities as much as possible, and to enjoy every minute of it.
As a college senior, I did not know what to expect for college. The entire atmosphere is very different from high school. If I were to return to my senior year, I would encourage the decision I made to attend the University of Tennessee, but I would also warn myself of the large atmosphere. I would encourage looking into groups and clubs from the very beginning of my college career. I have joined several groups now, but I wish I would have made finding a place to 'fit in' a priority from day one. I would also try to prepare myself for the stress that college can bring. Although I was always very busy in high school as a straight-A student and an athlete, the types of 'stress' that stem from grades that will affect your livelihood after college have had an entirely different affect on my body. Mostly, I would tell myself to relax and 'enjoy the ride,' to borrow a popular cliche, because college has been the best and most quickly-moving time of my life!
I would tell myself that I needed to study more in high school beyond what I had to to succeed because many students coming from other school systems will have a more advanced education than the one that I had. I would also tell myself to be very involved in school organizations and on campus. That would be the best way to meet new people and make new friends. I would tell myself that it is okay to have a social life becuase if you don't then your college experience would be very hard, but that you have to learn to balance the social life with your education. I would tell myself that I will need to be assertive in planning my own education path because the guidance that I get from counselors will not be as helpful as it should be. I would tell myself to always try as hard as I could in all of classes, even when I get frustrated. I would also say that it is okay to talk to your professors when you are having problems because many times they can be a great help and very understanding.
Do not take your family for granted. I know you feel you do not need them and can't wait to get away, once you are on your own, you will realize how much you miss them and being part of the family. Spend more time with your brothers and parents. Go watch your baby brother play his flag football, stay home for a family dinner, or take that extra time to go shopping with your mom instead of your friends. Your life doesn't revolve around your friends. When you get into college you will realize that friends come and go, but your family is always there for you. All those times you found excuses not to be part of the family, you will come to regret. At college it will be your mom you call for advice on the breaking up of your boyfriend and the one you cry tears too. She will be patient with you but encourage you to move on. It will be your dad you call for advice on college classes and helping you the night before your big chemistry class. Remember to take time for your family when in High School.
I think the one thing I regret the most about my senior year is that I let it go by too fast. Once that last year comes, the stress of finding the right college and the anticipation of the year to come overshadow everything else that is going on. I would tell myself to really take in everything that comes my way. I wish that I would have savored the last months with my friends since most of them left the state for school.
Also, even though I know I made the right choice in the University of Tennessee, I wish I would have looked at other schools. My family isn't the most wealthy, which really turned me off of most schools, but I should have just gone for it and found the right financial aid.
Most importantly, I would tell myself to realize how blessed I really am to even have the opportunities to go to college. I would really appreciate a good education and supportive family that I have, and not dwell on any set backs, but only on things I can to to put me ahead in life.
1) No matter what, be yoursef. Break away from cliques - the world has enough bland personalities.
2) You have dreams. Never let others keep them down, but also never expect them to happen without an endangered aspect called effort.
3) A simple act of kindness goes a long way for anyone who has had a bad day.
4) Dating is normal, but don't rush into a relationship just for the sake of wanting a relationship. You still have college ahead.
5) The classes you take in High School will be the hardest you have yet to taake. If you have no good study habits, get some!
6) Have confidence in yourself. Remember that God has given you raw potential and possibilities to go beyond the restrictions of the world's standards.
If i could go back in time i would tell my self that everthing is going to be all right. Going off to college was always a stressfull topic for me in high school because i was leaving my family and many of my friends behind. I left my whole life behind. College was a new start and i was honestly scared of the future that college would have for me. In the end however, everthing was fine. Sure you have more responsibilities and the classes are more difficult but thats what makes the college life more fun and exciting. It is a whole new challenge. Also you build new friendships with new people and you are able to find out what your true self is. So in the end, I would go back and tell myself to breathe. Take one day at a time. Do the best you can and the future will be ok.