The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What are the academics like at The University of Texas at Austin?


The classes are too crowded. Most of the professors are solid. Some of the ones I have had in the business school are blow-off professors. However, the reputation of UT as a premier institution still seems to be holding up somehow.


The classes at UT are for the most part pretty rigorous. There is a lot of competition between students to get good grades. While some classes don't really seem geared toward helping you in the future, there are also many classes that give you real world skills that will help you when you graduate. I don't talk to my professors much outside of class but they are almost always available if necessary.


UT is a very good school. Professors are generally nice, caring people that are looking out for the students best interest.


You really have to try hard for your professors to know you. Students are very competitive, but because of large class sizes, you might not know this at times.


They are very tough but also very informative


Freshman year classes are all pretty big so most professors don't know the students but as you get older that changes. All of my professors know my name and I am a second year engineering student.


The classes at UT are rather large in the sciences. The professors do not know your name unless you go to them. This is good though because it causes you to take an interest in your own education and causes you to step out there. My favorite class t UT was interviewing principles and practices with Gary Beck. This is because he made the class very interesting with hands on experiences and projects. The knowledge I gained in the class I know I will use again. This I cannot say is the same for my science courses. I feel as though the science courses are for learning for learning sake and that professors and TA's are okay with students getting C. "That is what we shoot for" as one professor stated. I feel as though this can be better handled. We all cannot make A's I know that but those of us who study and prepare for an exam should not be burdened with a C just because the professor makes the test really hard just to fill her own quota of a C. If a C is acceptable then one needs to ask what they are really walking away with after the class. Med schools look for students who love the field of medicine and are logical and can think on their feet. Some of us don't even get looked at because biology or chemistry courses that have little relevance to the Medical field cause our GPA's to fall. This is unfair. I have a desire for people and medicine. Not cells and DNA. Give me a class in which I can learn about the basics of being a doctor. Sometimes I think we could pass the whole undergrad thing and just go straight to Medical School. I know plenty of doctors who have said that they do not use the things they learned in Organic Chemistry and Genetics. So why am I taking them?


I am an economics major and I feel like we have good professors. Some classes have good class participation and some don't, it is kind of hit or miss, it just depends on class size and the professors style.


-large classes=not very much personal attention -but there are ample apportunities to help yourself in these classes -as everybody gets more specialized in their majors the classes get smaller


I enjoy my department at UT. Being one of the smaller schools, petroleum engineering feels more like a school within a school. Once in major sequence, professors begin to learn your name and develop working relationships.