The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about The University of Texas at Austin?


University of Texas in Austin has the 15th rank overall standing in whole world. It is a very diverse place. Teachers are so educated. Alumni are so friendly and there are so many sources to use and learn


University of Texas is one of the best public universities in the nation, and the best in Texas. So because I had to leave the University of Denver for the University of Texas due to financial issues, I downgraded to the best public university in Texas which is hardly a drop-off. Not only will it offer me a great oppurtunity to attend law school, but it is one of the most fun universities a college student could attend.


My quality education- the feel of a small liberal arts college in a huge university.


I brag about the amazing amount of school spirit. Everybody on campus is there for one another and we all rally together to back our sports teams, academic teams, and pretty much anything the school does. UT is definitely a family.


I love the environment. I love the competitiveness of the students.


I'm very proud of the well-rounded education I received. Many professors were also involved in research, and were well-established in their fields. We were taught the most current and accepted information available. Many of the courses, especially the science courses, were very difficult. And of course, I'm also proud of Longhorn football!


It is one of the top schools in the Nation! I know that I am getting one of the best educations possible. The campus is beautiful and the football games are a blast. After graduating from UT, I know I have the education and credibility to get any job I desire.


UT has a very strong academic program in addition to its strong research foundation.


The general acceptance and liberal attitude. Anyone is accepted here. Race, sexual orientation, religion, political leanings doesn't matter. Everyone has a place and everyone feels very comfortable. There are also few rules and structure for social activities. Dating, sex, etc, are talked about and accepted.


Athletics, campus amenities, and surrounding food.