The University of Texas at Austin Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would have had more information concerning the costs and fees associated with being a radio-television-film major. This program is accelerated and actual film production begins in the second semester of your freshman year. All the costs associated with the course and all the supplies needed are costly. I would highly recommend planning ahead for this. They are flexible and very helpful, but you need to be able to have the supplies in order to finish your project on time.


How hard engineering is


I wish I would have known the level of education that the university had. I would have came in more prepared and ahead of the game.


I wish I had known how expensive things (food, clothes, entertainment) would be. If so, I would have worked twice as hard as I did. I also wish I had joined more groups. There's so many to choose from, but actually belonging to one or two would be very beneficial!


I wish i would have known how to manage my money. I also wish i would have known how to manage my social time and School work time. I didnt have to study nearly as much as i do know in college and i wish i would have practiced my study habits more. Having fun is a good thing but at the end of the day its all about school. Its easy to get caught up with friends. For some people it is hard to stay focused . Just expect the best and be prepared for the worst.


I wish I would have learned how to be more organized with my time and with my schedule. Having a social life is not as important as being in good academic standing, but it is part of the college experience. If I would have learned how to be more organized and plan my days better, I would have saved myself a bunch of stress. The best thing to have is a planner. Just plan your days and times so that you never get behind in school and still have a good social life.


I wish I had known how crucial it is to live on campus. Although the conditions of the campus dorms are not amazing at UT, they allow student relationships to develop profoundly. Nevertheless, involvement in clubs and sports at school also help with the formation of long lasting friendships.


I wish I had known exactly how difficult college could be. I had always heard college would be harder than high school, but not as hard as it has been so far. If I had known this, I would have maximized my studying efforts even more so than I am now.


I wish I had been advised correctly. One of the many problems is that high school advisors don't talk with colleges and universities. I spent a lot of time on materials that were not needed for me to be accepted. Another thing would be knowing the actual work load that college is. I thought I was well prepared for college but soon found out that high school and college are nothing alike. Time managment IS as important as everyone says. Creating some time managment habits in high school would have definately helped for college.


Time management is your best friend, and studying in college is much different (more intense) than in high school. Never waste an opportunity to get extra help in a class you're struggling in. There's no shame in asking for help. Join an organization, and make new friends. People change in college, so you're old friends from high school may come back during winter break completely different. GO TO FOOTBALL GAMES! They're a source for good conversation with new people. Make at least one friend in each class that you can study with.