I learned that some people are just selfish and that in order to stay alive and doing what is on the right pathway, I need to focus and learn my independent way of living.
I have learned so much during my college experience that I never thought I would get just from a community college. The biggest experience was because I go to school with such a diverse age group of people. I have classes with 17 year olds to 63 year olds. I haved learned form them by hearing their life experiences and from when they grew up or went to college previously. The teachers are also from different places and backgrounds. Some grew up in military familes moving from city to city which I can relate to. Yet some tell about their party experiences and relate it to philosophy and make learning so much more fun. I have so many more friends, many are fifteen years older than me. I learned that college isn't about which house your going to next weekend. It's about all the people you meet and what they teach you as well as how the teachers interact with the student to make getting an education fun and enjoyable.
College is giving me the foundation for my career as a nurse. A career that i am going to be able to advance in and be generative. Attending has provided me with a way to support my infant daughter and provide for her in a great way. Networking in school has been invaluble. The diversity yet common ground that is found is a fantastic experience.
Discipline, dependence, and determination are what I experienced the most in college. In the beginning I made some choices that I regret such as not attending classes and not studying as much as I should have for exams. Fortunately, I took a turn on my actions by doing what I was suppose to do and every now and then I would ask myself many times, why am I here? Well I’m here not only to get a better life but to also take this opportunity to gain more and more knowledge as I grow.
Thus so far, I've gotten a lot of my first semester of college experience. It's been a strengthing and valuable experience for myself as a student in seeing the dedication it requires from a student like myself aiming for an architecture degree. It takes a lot of dedication and passion to accomplish a degree within this field and see so many students lose intrerest in it because of how much dedication, time, and sacrifices it requires from yourself. Having teachers and school staff offer their assistance is of value to see them reach out to us and reveal themselves present for us to reach out to in need of some direction and guidance towards completing our education. The self discovery of who i can turn to in need of assistance and understanding the importance of comunication between myself and my professors as well as finding students within my class and work area resourceful and a working community.
When I entered college, I had little professional experience, was very timid, and was not independent minded; I relied on my parents and the security I saw in them. As of May, I live a different life to which I lived my first semester. My father left my mother and abandoned his promise to support me entirely. Although having to endure this ordeal, this suffering forced me to receive a crash course in self-sufficiency. I gladly welcomed the intense workload that came with a nineteen hour semester and the professional responsibilities expected of me from my professors. I saw campus as something comforting and understanding. What my father took away put perspective into my life; I took up my responsibilities, held my head up high, and held back not. As I reflect upon myself at the beginning of the semester, I see a world of difference. I see that nothing about my school had changed – it was me and my acceptance of what my school had been trying to give me from the moment I stepped foot in orientation: independence and self-assurance. I now obtain what is required of me when I become an oral deaf educator.
I have gotten the opportunity to further my education and I appreciate that. Many of the African American males I grew up with have fallen trap to drugs, jail, or are dead and I refuse to be like them so instead of picking up a gun or drugs, I picked up a book and kept moving forward with my education. Brevard community College has helped me in so many ways. I think it is valuable to attend because it helps keep kids off the streets once they have graduated high school, helps to improve your knowledge, and you are able to get a degree in something you love.
I have had a life changing experience. I have a 5 year old daughter and she is the love of my life. I have choosen to go to college so that I can get and maintain a good paying job so that she has everything that she needs. I am in the nursing field and it has taught me alot about how to go about things when things go wrong with the body. I love working with people especially children. I hope to become a Pedieatric Doctor some day. College has been valuable in my life , because i have became a women and I can show my daughter that school isn't just for nerds. Its for people that what to make something out of themselves as adults. College is for those that really what to experience life and make money at the same time. College is for those that what a degree in a field of study that they love. Like me, i'm in the field of nursing because I Iove helping others, and I love being able to say that I made a difference in someones life.
I have learned alot about time management and what it takes to suceed in life.
I have learned alot about life, being on my own since 14 with no guidence was a struggle, but being a student on my own you realize alot more. College is not just a place to get your education it is also a learning place that is developing the person you are. It changes the way you view things and others. You realize that life is more complex than when you were young. You start becoming an adult and its more stressful and you start to realize who your true friends are and who are just aquantances. It is just the beginning of those even more stressful years to come. Preparing you for the real world , because let me tell you its alot harder when you are no longer a student. I am still a student but only difference is that i dont have any support from any of my family. But i dont take that as a negative stituation I take it optimisticly because im already living the adult life only difference is that im still in school. Meaning that when i graduate i wont have to be so nervous since im already in that circumstance. Go to SCHOOL