The University of Texas at San Antonio Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The diversity. Every groups is represented here, and all are made to feel welcome.


This is a commuter university in a culturally diverse city. This is the best thing because you are never bored and most places are cheap.


The location and the people, I really enjoy living in san antonio. Also the degree plans the univeristy offers.


The best thing about my school is the diversity of all of the students. This diversity makes everyone feel welcome and that feeling is shown daily throughout campus. Another great thing is the college of business, which I am currently enrolled in, is recognized as being one of the best in the state.


I think it is the perfect size..


Someone I know transferred from a more prestigious college, and when I asked them about their experience here at UTSA, they told me that their teachers here surpassed those had at their previous college. The teachers here are very impressive and helpful!


Its offering of evening courses allowed me to nurture a career while completing college.


The best thing about our school is the community atmosphere created by the faculty and staff. Another great thing about this school is how easy it is to find your way around, and if you still get lost someone is always willing to help.


There is alot of technology on hand, and usefull tools to help you succed.


Being at home and being very accessible