The University of West Florida Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about The University of West Florida? Why?


The worst thing about my school, I think, is that the ArgoGalley (i.e. food) closes to early.


I consider the worst thing about my school is the weather protection. When it rains, students that are walking, or riding their bike to class becomes soaked by the time they arrive. A student would have to catch the bus, or waste gas just to go to class that is only five minutes away from where they are. I believe there should be some form of walkway or covers that shield the sidewalks from the rain. What would happen if a student walks into a building and slips and falls down? Would that student be able to sue the school?


It lacks that big university atmosphere.


The cafeteria because you have to buy a meal even if you just want to sit down and hang out with your friends.


Not enough places to eat, and no small cafe for the branch campuses, as I expected. Everything is on the main campus, which is somewhat far from where I live.


We don't have a football team, and when it rains the sidewalks flood. The population of my school is compromised of mostly commuters.


I believe the worst thing at my school is how small it is. I think that is why so many people just end up drinking and getting themselves into bad stuff.


It's very difficult to find our way around at first. The campus has so many trees and the maps aren't to scale so everything seems different when you're walking around trying to find classes. The buildings are also numbered in the order they were built so it appears as though there is no logical number system, which can make locating specific buildings difficult.