Thomas Jefferson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Thomas Jefferson University know before they start?


I would tell myself to go with the flow and give up the need to plan out everything. In college so many things come at you from the left field and are not part of the plan, but this is not a bad thing. ALthough things do not always go as planned it does not mean they are bad, or that what your doing is wrong. Do not give up but go after what your heart desires, if there is a will there is a way, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise. So many times it seems impossible to relinquish control, just throw up your hands and let the situation take the wheel, but to be successful you have to realize you cannot control and plan for everything. Live spontaneously, fight for what you believe in, and stay true to your values and who you are. Life is a rewarding rollar coaster, do not let it slip by without enjoying all the bumps along the way, or it would be no fun.


What I have gotten from this experience was that the school body was very helpful in my education at Thomas Jefferson University. This experience was very valuable becuase I was orginally from community college, and at the community college I did not meet alot of people. Fellow students don't want to make new friends everybody kept themselves. Jefferson was different students here were great. Jefferson students had a intrest in meeting new people, as an result I'm became very social because of that and I love it. While the course was hard and stressful, I actually performed better at the university level than at the community college.


When I started at Ivy Tech, I worried I was about to be missing out on the “college experience” all my friends kept talking about. It is close to home, relatively small, and worse yet, there were no dorms! I though all was lost until I walked into my first class. The small class size meant everyone had time for questions, and the teachers even took the time to answer. Everything was either crystal clear, or you weren't listening. More over, it turns out that a lot of local companies would rather hire Ivy Tech graduates then anyone else! My degree oriented lasses are not only fun, but inspiring as well. They remind me why I’m going to college in the first place. In my down time, I have plenty of money left over to go to the mall and out eat with friends. All this on minimum wage could only be possible with the help of financial aid and I have to face it, living at home. I would recommend this to anyone who is ready to get down to business and start their life!


I am very happy to attend this school. It supports my learning to the fullest. I am proud to be a Jefferson student!


If I could go back in time and tell myself about college I would say picking the college that I want to go to is the most important part of planning my future college life. I would tell myself to be prepared to grow up very fast because when I am in college I am by myself. The professors do not care if I do not make it to class it is my responsiblity to make it to class everyday. I would also tell myself that I need to start working on my organizational skills now instead of my freshman year in college. Organization is key to getting through college. Friends are non existent at least for my first year in college. I will be extremely busy with papers and academic activities that I will not have much of a social life. One last thing I would want to tell myslef is that it is going to be very hard and sometimes I might want to give up but I should continue to push myself because having my degree and working in a profession that I love is completely worth it in the end.


Every person should set goals in life. Each goal points a person in the right direction and sets benchmarks in a person?s journey through life. Every goal comes with responsibilities that one must face in order to prepare themselves for the world around them. The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose -- I live by that and think everyone should too. Overall, goals in life are precious to have, even though difficult challenges and responsibilities may come with it. They will guide one in the right direction and help them to become a better person by making them realize the importance of education in their life and future career. I strongly believe that goals can and will unlock the potentials in a person?s life; all you have to do is put your mind to it.


Best advice I can give to students is pick the college where you feel comfortable and have a connection with. Best advice I can give to parents is try not to push your student too much into a school they do not want to go to. Yes, sometimes it is good for parents to push their child, when they feel their child can take the challenge of a tougher school.


I would suggest to take any/all opportunities to visit a college of interest as a prospective student or parent of one. Not only should the foucs of your search being on academics, but also the campus and the environment you or your child will be on everday. Be cautious about on-campus security and shuttles and also the surrounding areas of the college. Another factor to take into cnsideration when choosing a college is the percent of job placements after graduation. The higher the percent of job placements, the greater the chance you will have success getting a successful job after graduation from that specific school. Do not base your decision on the activities for a social life; however, activities for the school keep you involved in the school and open many doors for opportunity. If you have any concerns about a specific college, do not hesitate to call or make an appointent, or even get in contact with students who attend or graduated from that college. There is no question that is stupid so ask away!


I would tell someone that they need to first figure out what they want to do. Many people go to college and are not sure of their intended major. For those students, I would suggest for them to go to a university that offers many different career paths. For students that know exactly what profession they want to peruse I would suggest that they find a university that specializes in their intended profession. One of the most important factors when finding a school is networking. So many people go to college, obtain a degree, take out thousands of dollars in loans and then have no way to pay them back because they can't find a job in their field. This may be because they didn't take advantage of the different services the school offered or maybe they didn't network enough. Networking gives you a chance to meet people that could possibly help you with job placement when you graduate. You get as much out of college as you put in it so in order to make the most of this experience you must stay focused and take advantage of as many opportunities and situations as possible.