Thomas More College Top Questions

Describe the students at Thomas More College.


They are very progessive thinkers.


with the small classrooms that are provided, you are really able to interact with each other and learn from each other which i enjoy and take advatnage of.


My classmates are inviting, smart, and have very good sense of humor.


They are fun and friendly people


My classmates are very intelligent, hard working, and helpful students that are always willing to help each other when it is needed.


My classmates are all different, some loud, some quiet, some athletic, some not. There are so many different types of people Thomas More and everyone is accepted for who they are.


My classmates are very helpful and understanding of what is being taught at Thomas more College.


Because Thomas More is such a small school, it is not uncommon to walk to class and recognize every face you pass; the students are all friendly and welcoming, and every student has the innate drive to learn and succeed embedded within them.


All of my class mates have been very friendly, willing to help, and reliable.


Most of my classmates are bright students who are very interested in being successful adults who will be make positive contributors to society when they graduate.