Thomas More College Top Questions

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At Thomas More you have small class, receive one on one attention, Professors are willing to always help you, they stay late to help the students. During finals they have review sessions to help the students. At Thoms More, they also have tutors for students who are always willing to help. Unlike many athletic larger universities Thomas More has turned their programs around to be very successful. We have National ranked teams in the United States for NCAA. Lastly being a Catholic College, Thomas More offers a small mass everyday for anyone to attend to further their faith and beliefs.


They offered adult education.


Thomas More is a great place to come, if you want a smaller atmosphere. The average class size is only about 20 people. For me, sine I wanted to go into the field of nursing and I also wanted to go somewhere I could excel in soccer a smaller school was the better fit for me. I think that the bigger schools I looked at would have had too many temptations and I needed an atmosphere that would push me acedemically and also give me the resources to suceed.


The school is a lot smaller than the other schools I considered. I previously attended Coastal Carolina University, a public university in South Carolina. This was larger and had a reputation as a party school. It nice now that I am at Thomas More that when I state my college people do not immediately think I am a crazy partyer who drinks a lot. Also I find Thomas More challenges me more than Coastal in core classes.


I think what is unique about my school is that it's almost like small community. You know everyone, and everyone is friendly. It's very easy to feel comfortable and accepted at Thomas More. Also, Thomas More focusing on critical thinking, and getting the students to use their minds outside of what their taught. The Proffesors accept different ideas and ways of thinking, and work off of the insight the stundents provide.


I get a lot of financial aid and can play soccer.