Thomas More College Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Thomas More College?


A person looking for a smaller school enviroment but is still serious about their academics. The biology and chemistry departments are excellent and will challenge students by offering a wide variety of classes so as to give students a large base upon which to build from.


One who is a big time partier.


Thomas More College is not the school to choose if you are a big time partier. It is a smaller campus and there are no wild parties. It is very academic and community oriented.


You definitely need to be determined in obtaining a college education and also gaining a good education. You need to be smarter and more abled to obtain more information.


Someone who only wants to get the party side of the college atmosphere should not attend Thomas More. It is very small and also has alot of people who commute to school, so the weekends can be dead at times. People who are also not willing to work hard should not come to Thomas More. Both the faculty and fellow students help to push you to be all that you can be. If you are not willing to put in your best effort, or if you think you can just breeze by... Thomas more is not the place for you.


A person who has no drive to work hard. This school requires strict discipline and work effort. If you can not or do not know how to work hard, Thomas More is not right for you. Plus, if you do not want to learn then you should not go to Thomas More. Thomas More thrives on learning and excellence, if you can not deliver results, you do not belong. Thomas More is a school which demands much from students and if you can not deliver, then you will not survive.


Don't attend Thomas More College if you are looking to party a lot on campus, want big class rooms, or expect a lot of people to be there, small school (1,200 students).