Touro College Top Questions

What are the academics like at Touro College?


excellent academics


Classes are pretty small for one part. There is usually 12 to 1 here in the Midtown Campus. I cannot speak for the rest of the University System. Since this is a commuter school, many students just sit in for their coursework, and leave. There really isn't any competitiveness. Personally we think Competitiveness are for bitches that have inferiority complexes. Why, compete with the next person, when you have different goals. We are very "anti-Ivy league". We don't like them-Plain and simple. You have a few of us Pre-Med ( a couple of Dual Majors) sticking together, and studying for MCATs, but there is 0 competitiveness. We all try are hardest to shoot for "the magic 45". As I mentioned before, I am a pre med student. I am actually pursuing a Dual Bachelor's in Psychology and Biology. To be honest, Touro is not the absolute best place for Bio Majors, because their are not many classes. We do have Immunology, Genetics, and some Advanced courses. But, the Science coordinator Dr. Fardon, has been fighting to add more classes into the program. Hopefully we will have a Bio Medical Engineering, and Physics program. I wouldn't mind Staying for an additional two years for that. There is no Pre Med advisory department. So, you better impress your Science professors to get you that L.O.R. (Letter of Recommendation) you need. Lab equipment is a bit dated, but still usable. The Psychology department here at Touro is big. In fact Touro is well known for their Psychology, and Educational programs. I absolutely love my Psych professors. Dr. Russo, Dr. Coombes, Dr. Smart, just to name a few. These are just Undergrad too. There are dozens of Psych courses to pick from. You also, get to do field work as an Undergrad. The Psychology department is definitely impressive. Understand that this is not a college to just learn, but to apply the knowledge to practice.