Treasure Valley Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Treasure Valley Community College know before they start?


If I could turn back time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell my self five things. 1. Do not worry about paying for school. Fill out as many scholarships as possible, and even though you despise it, grammar and punctuation counts, If you can not pay for it out of pocket, there are many places you can get student loans from that will help your credit as well. 2. Do not worry about not being smart enough. You are in college; there are no dumb people in college. If you are still worried about asking a question, go to your professor?s office and ask. That is what their office hours are for and how they set you apart from the rest of the class. 3. Do not worry about sticking to a major; there are general courses everyone has to take for the first two years. 4. Do not worry about leaving your friends, because they are leaving as well, you will make new ones fast. 5. Do not worry! College is the beginning not the end. So sit back and relax knowing that you will soon be smarter than Mom and Dad


I would tell myself that college is going be different, but in a good way. That the students I attend school with are more focused and I am able to learn more about the subject. That thier are fewer juvinile students to take away from the experience. Also that college is expensive and to take the courses very seriously, no matter what!