Treasure Valley Community College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Treasure Valley Community College?


The most frustrating thing about my school is that some of the classes are on the main college campus. I actually go to Treasure Valley Community College in Caldwell, Idaho. So their choices of classes are a lot smaller, but you have a choice to go to school in Ontario, Oregon. With my major, not all classes are offered in Caldwell. So I will have to commute to Ontario for a while to finish my degree.


I would have to say that the only frustrating thing about Treasure Valley Community College is the problems of blackboard, which is an avenue that some professors use to communicate and assign and recieve class assignments from the students. There are too many problems at times with links that do not work or submitted assignments not being received by professors.


The most frustrating thing about my school would be that thier never seems to be enough teachers or staff members in the writing labs or math labs to help students.