Trinity College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Trinity College!


I think Trinity is over priced by a large amount. I think the experience can be great, but I also think it can be miserable. You really have to want to be at Trinity and in a certain environment to make it work.


I left out alot but I don't have time to write more. Contact me if you need anything else.


too much to say in one small box


all of that being said: if you don't fit the trinity stereotype you can be VERY happy here. take it from someone who wanted out. very badly. but who is now exceedingly happy. i hate the school. and sure on principle i guess that means i shouldn't continue to stay. but fall in with good academic departments and professors and that part of life will be more than adequate. take advantage of things like the fred. like cinestudio (the only real movie theater on a college campus in the county. it shows foreign, independent and classic films, and is a true gem that almost no one takes advantage of. students run everything except for the projection, and if you volunteer once a week you can see any movie for free). you will find people here that are like you. it might take more time than it would somewhere else. but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience to get to be part of the group that's "different." you get to really run things and make decisions and affect people's lives. you can be the students that make the new unahppy trinity students change their minds. you have a chance to be someone that's not just part of the flock. i'll never give money to trinity itself. maybe to something like cinestudio, or an academic department i care about. but as an institution i hate everything it stands for. i think few members of the administration care at all about changing the reputation. academic programs are frequently cancelled. the library is open a pathetic number of hours. little things like that which show they don't really care. many say that the arts are severely ignored. some even say sports are ignored. all of it goes to show trinity doesn't really do much to encourage participation. or maybe they just don't admit active students. but if having to work to find what you want or a social life with a heavy dose of alcohol doesn't appeal to you, best to keep looking.


I love Trinity. It has everything I dreamed of in a college or university.


Trinity is great!


students are unfriendly to anyone different from them and it's rare for someone to smile at you (or even give eye contact) on the long walk (across campus) i would transfer, but for two reasons: I have an amazing group of friends (with whom i engage in academic discussions when we're "partying") and believe i am getting a top notch education.


Either you love Trinity or you hate it. I personally love it and never want to leave- I agree with Trinity's nickname: Camp Trin.


at times there are students who get caught up in the campus power struggle on both sides. some students want to take over the school and aggressively go after change, while some students only want to rebel against those who try to restrict them. this is something that creates more conflict on the campus, rather than helping it, which is the premise on which people get themselves involved in something like this.


Hartford is underrated. There are great restaurants, shows, museums, concerts, and bars.