Trinity College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Trinity College accurate?


Almost universally.


Nearly. We have a very large student population that is preppy. While the face of Trinity may be a preppy Bostonian, our campus is very diverse (ethnically, racially and intellectually).


No. while there is a majority of white students, not all are rich, and the school certainly shouldn't be considered a rich school based on their financial status


I don't think so.




Yes, although it obviously doesn't apply to everyone. You find these stereotypes at all schools.


Generally, yes for list one, List two is generally not two, when people need help on campus they can find it, when something horrible (like rape) happens on campus the students will all join together. There is of course a line between the haves and the have nots, in some ways this is also seen as a parties and doesn't party, but its just that the groups don't party together. The students are actually very concerned about international affairs (possibly just to see how it affects their stock portfolio more than human rights).


They are accurate for about 60{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school population.


No. As far as the stereotype of the students, I have found them so be rather false. There are certainly some kids who fit the stereotypes but they do not represent the majority of the students. The stereotypes of Hartford are true although I would rather attend school in a dangerous, delapidated city than in the middle of nowhere. Getting home (to the airport) is very easy, something of which I am very grateful.


There are truths behind all stereotypes. There are students at Trinity who are very wealthy and preppy. However, that does not describe all the students at Trinity.