Trinity College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Trinity College?


white preppy rich kids who like to party


I think people think Trinity is the party school of the NESCAC and that the students are rich slackers


The main steroteypes about Trinity are that it is a bunch of white, preppy, waspy, upper class, spoiled students who like to party a lot.


Some stereotypes are that Trinity is a campus full of wealthy, stuck-up, conservative, ultra preppy students who come to Trinity to party and study hard.


everyone thinks that all trinity students are preppy and rich


That there is little diversity on campus, that it is an affluent, beautiful, "preppy" white majority on campus. It is known as a party school, in which cocaine is popular.


The stereotypes of Trinity and its students seem to be pretty obvious. Coming from the west coast and a not particularly preppy school, I think the stereotypes were exaggerated. The first one I heard about Trinity was actually how cute the boys were. Every time I brought up the fact that I was going to Trinity, people would tell me that they had some of the best looking guys. I also heard that everyone dressed the same which proves true most of the time. I heard that Trinity was almost an extension of the boarding schools that students attended in high school as well and that it was hard to break into the groups of people that were already friends from high school.


preppy, rich, like to party


Preppy Work hard play hard Trust fund babies Rich kids that weren't smart enough for Ivy league


That Trinity is full of beautiful rich "waspy" kids from boarding-school who spend their parent's money. No diversity. Lots of coke.