Trinity College Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Trinity College?

Is Trinity College a good school?

What is Trinity College known for?


For the most part, the professors at Trinity are excellent. Anyone can get a good education by dedicating himself to his work, no problem. It's the student body that's the main problem: others are stupid, inarticulate, and thoughtless. Partying is the main order of the day. Hartford is a slummy dump, so there's no real escape. The most frequent student complaints are against the homophobic, misogynistic, and racist fraternities and against the general danger of being outside past 9:00.


We go to a small school but we can do all the things that a big University can do. Trinity embraces the individual voice. You can move mountains at Trinity, as long as you're motivated. Hartford has a lot to offer; most students don't take advantage of the great resources available in Hartford. We have an amazing faculty at our disposal. Racism is rampant at Trinity. The TrinTrin culture continually assults women and students of color.


Trinity is a small school, and it is perfect that way. Despite the bad reputation of the Hartford area, Trinity is a gem among the area. The campus is very beautiful, and after the long walk renovation, it will be even more beautiful. There is a lot to do on campus, and a lot of diversity. There is a great scene at Trinity, and a small bar across the street. The administration and professors are excellent, for the most part. I find it is very difficult to find a professor that I don't like.


The best thing about Trinity is the available resources it has to offer. I would make more classes available, or make the student body larger-campus larger. Some people say Trinity is a godd school and some never heard about it. I spend most of my time in the library using computers. "What college town?" Controversy-personal safety, some kid's are being to reckless- they are not street smart at all. School pride is there.


Best thing is the quality of the professors. Great professors in philosophy and poli sci departments especially. -there is no parking. students forced off campus, made to register, then get ticketed / towed --all the time. no parking, for commuters especially, is absurd. -school is too small and not diverse (but this was expected before i came here) -not much school pride, i dont think -frats are the social scene, organized in a heierarchy of wealth. also absurd. -lots of drinking, drugs, and cigarette smoking -one girl was raped the other week at 4:00am on trinity campus. this is the major controversy, safety. was it her fault? campus safety's fault?


The best thing about Trinity is the size. Its small enough so that I see people I know basically everywhere, and I know the majority of people in my class, even if only by face. The people are really friendly, and I feel like there really aren't that many loners. Everybody fits in somewhere and people tend to find their groups of friends pretty quickly. The one major let down of going to Trinity is being in Hartford. It's basically a shit show, so people spend basically all of their time on campus. The majority of the party scene takes place at the fraternities which also gets a little old at times.


Horrible location, bring a handgun to school because campus safety wont do anything to keep you safe and the locals are armed. The campus needs to be closed or made safer. But that doesn't stop the fun and we still manage to have a good time.


Trinity is somewhat isolated from the local Hartford community, despite efforts to the contrary. Camp Trin-Trin is an accurate nickname.


The best thing about Trinity is the cultural opportunities provided to students, both through the school and through the city. I think the size is just right. While it can feel small at times, a school of 2,300 students means that there will always be new people to meet yet there are recognizable faces that greet you with a smile each time you leave your dorm room.


Trinity is a small school, which means small classes. Students and professors know each other and you begin to build relationships with your professors from the first day of class. I've never taken a class that had more than 40 people in it and that was an intro. class. Trinity is a party school, but students take their work very seriously as well. Trinity is in a city and is located in a very poor neighborhood. Hartford as a lot to offer and there's access to public transportation in and out of the city. People don't go downtown as often as one would think. However, if you want to the option is always there. Trinity students prefer to stay inside the Trinity bubble than travel outside of it. Trinity has had some problems with campus safety and racism. As a minority student, I've always felt completely comfortable at Trinity and never have had to deal with any racism. Other minority students tend to segragate themselves and, in my opinion, that plays a major role in the campus climate in terms of racism. Trinity administration isn't always as concerned about the student body as one would think it should be at such a small school. For example, they guaranteed housing for four years, but my junior year there was a housing shortage and half of the junior class had to move off-campus. Another example is their planning of Spring Weekend during the first days of Passover.