Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Truckee Meadows Community College? Why?


The worst thing about Truckee Meadows is being a student and watching funding get cut to education due to the recession and budget cuts. Wanting to take a class that are no longer available is heartbreaking and it is happening to not only Truckee Meadows Community College, but to schools all across the nation.


The worst thing about TMCC is the road driving up there in the winter. Reno is known for snow and icy roads. Even when the city plows, the roads are slick and dangerous, especially if you do not have a 4-wheel drive car.


The worst thing about TMCC is the lack of parking spaces.


I was upset by the way the college tried to get me to re-take some classes that I had already taken at University. I felt that they were creating reasons for me to essentially give them more money and spend more time there, it felt like my success was less important than their budget goals. I also felt that way when they cut back on the classes they were offering and I almost didn't get into a criticall class (I would have been set back an entire year if I hadn't been able to take it.)


The school bookstore has incresed their prices due to current state budget cuts. Books labeled by the manufacture at $35 are being sold in the bookstore for $67.50! It's almost criminal. We can see the original price! Not to mention, we have to purchase books at the store and they say they will buy it back but at a fraction of the price orginally paid. I bought a politcal science book for $189 and the school bought it back for $23. I do not know anyone who could afford the funds to through away $166.


The worst thing about this school I would say is the study atmosphere. There are not special rooms or areas for quiet study, except for the library of course. However, I personally do not always feel like being in the library or I want to be closer to my next class. There are chairs and small tables in the halls and the foot traffic is just too distracting.


I feel that there isn't enough one on one time with professors. Yes I understand that time is in demand and that there are too many students to give special attention to, but at the same time I feel that if a professor gave me some of their time to help me understand an assignment or problem that I would become more successful in their class.


What I don't like about TMCC is the way some of the receptionist's help or try and answer your questions. They would, sometimes, not let you finish asking your question before they answer. There are times when you ask for something specific then they answer it differently, then they don't always do everything in thier power to try and help you figure things out. these are the things I dont like about TMCC.


I would have to say that the worst thing about TMCC is the parking! With the economy like it is, everyone seems to be going back to school and there is just not enough PARKING! We have to park in the mudd and rocks and then walk. Forget it if it snows, there is no parking at all because they do not plow the dirt lots!


It is very difficult to obtain an appointment with an advisor. When you do meet with an advisor, sometimes they do not provide accurate information or are unable to answer your questions. Oftentimes they refer you to a specific department in the school that relates to your questions, e.g., if you have a biology class question, they tell you to call the biology department. When you do call the department, they often refer you to their website instead of answering your questions directly. It is frustrating.