Truckee Meadows Community College Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I did quite a bit of research about this particular school as well as the program I was hoping to persue before I enrolled. I adapted quickly to the Community College setting (I had attended a major University for two years) so that was not something I felt unprepared for. I guess the only thing I really wish I could have known before enrolling is whether or not I am going to be accepted to the Radiology program this fall, I am very anxious to find out.


I would have wished to known about the accuplacer had a pre exam. Im currently stuck in 095 becuase i didnt place high enough. I dont feel challenged in the class and i would have liked to have known what was on the test to at least re-evalute some of my skills.


Before coming ot TMCC, I wish I had known that thay have two summer sessions. I initially thought they only had one, and therefore I missed out on that session, which would have given me a head start on my Associates degree.


I wish I have known that Tuckee Meadows Community College offered alot of great programs that I could of choice from, because I eclared a major that I wasn't intersted in. I also wish I known that the school has free tutoring center on my first semester so I could take advantage of the tutoring center for my classes.


I wish I had known that stying for the math and English placement tests would have helped with my placement scores. Since I had to wait 4 weeks and spend an extra $20 to retake the tests, it would have been better if I had studied before the first attempt. The placement tests are also required before you can register for any classes or qualify as a pre-requisite. Because I had to retest, some of the classes I wanted were full by the time I could register.


I wish I had known how the financial part of attending this university would create such a milestone in my college career. It is at a point that I may be forced to sit out for a semester in the middle of my freshman year which is devastating for me. If I have to sit out it would be a huge set back. It seems that in college everything revolves around money, the meals, housing, transportation, education, etc. If you have money you're ok but if not you end up hungry, dormless, and your'e classes are dropped.


I don't really think that there is anything about the school that would have made me change my mind about going to TMCC at all. They have wonderful programs and teachers. They even have programs that our University doesn't offer. If I had the choice to go to TMCC or UNR I would choose TMCC all over again!


The transition into TMCC was very easy, I was real nervous about starting college. I had to figure everything out on my own. Everyone on the campus is very friendly and the information you need is easy to find. I started looking into school early so all my funding, and the processes were done on time. I see many students start late and then wonder why they cant start right then, therefore I feel that students should know how long the whole process takes so that they can get all their processes done in time for the next semester.