We're consistently ranked as the highest Liberal Arts University in the Midwest, and the home of Jenna Fischer (Pam from the Office)! Because the school is so small, the faculty are always excited and available to help students; all you have to do is ask.
We are best known for being book worms and students who study all the time. We were renamed from Northeast Missouri State University, to Truman State University after President Harry S. Truman.
My school is known for giving you a great education for a reasonable price.
Truman State is best known for providing a very good and diverse education. It is a liberal arts school which will allow students do have a very broad education and diverse set of knowledge.
Being academically focused
Truman State University is known as "the Harvard of the Midwest" and as such, has a strong reputation for academic excellence. Career expos are filled with employers that know Truman graduates for their consistantly high performance, and it's a university that holds you to those standards. Professors encourage and help to go beyond just the X's and O's of the course material to think about the material's application, its impact, and how you can use it to affect our society positively.
Small classes, friendly professors, and a lot of internships.
For offering the best-value education in the state of Missouri
Mainly for being the best public school in Missouri while having a relatively affordable price. The grad school program for Accounting and Teaching are among the best in the country.
Probably our education program and that we are a bunch of smart students. We are also probably known for the school being hard; students at other schools don't have the work load we do.
Liberal arts and listed on the Princeton Review
It is best known for being "The Harvard of the Midwest", that is extremely challenging and less expensive than the average university with the same level of education. It is also known for small class sizes, good teacher-to-student ratios.
Being "diverse", which is silly, because it doesn't seem so. It is known as one of best values in the nations, which means it provides a quality education for a low price. It is a liberal arts college, so there is emphasis on all subjects, as well as focusing your career goals.