Truman State University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Truman State University?


truman has a great liberal arts program. you take classes in tons of subjects and that opens you up to new things, without some of the liberal arts requirements i never would have found my minor, which i LOVE! since its a small school, the classes are small, much like in high school. the professors know who you are and are more than willing to talk to you outside of class to help you with any concerns that you might have.


I chose a school based on where I would get the best education, and thats really what you go to school for isnt it? Truman is amazing in academics, especially if you are going into Biology as I am. What's amazing about it is the professors truly do know your name. I can walk down the street and be called over by my first semester professor by first name. That's amazing to me, and it forces you to go to class. With small classes, professors can enforce attendance policies, and while I hate this at the time, it really forces you to go to class. And if you attend every class the Professor will take notice and it may help your final grade. I know I couldn't get this at a large school where the Professor wouldn't know who I was if I went into his office hours. Students at Truman are always academically involved, whether it is forming study groups, or discussing the past test or lecture. Its a whole different world from High School where school was the thing you left behind, at Truman you are constantly doing school work, its a huge part.


All my professors know me, and the Psych department is great. I have many favorite professors. Students study a ton; Truman is known for it's hard classes. Class participation is very common. The education at Truman is definitely more geared towards learning for the sake of learning (we are a Liberal Arts school).


i loved the professors in my major field, the LSPs were way too difficult and also the proffesors were very personable


Many professors I have had remember me, but I talk a lot in class so I am hard to miss. Study time depends on the student... Class participation is usually a couple of kids in class and if you let them talk they may not stop... Many Truman students discuss political issue and the state of the economy outside of class. Many students at Truman are very competitive, intellectually. Some professors can be seen at the local bars and toward the end of the year have no problems drinking and bar crawling with the students. Truman's academic requirements are of a liberal arts mind, many art and science and lit classes will be involved. Education at Truman is geared for learning seeing as many Truman students go on to get higher degrees.


The Pickler Memorial Library is jokingly called "Club Pickler" as it is where you will find most of Truman's student population most weekdays until it closes. People spend a majority of their Truman experience in the library if they expect to get decent grades- or waste alot of time watching tv if they dont care. The requirements to get into Truman are not as rigorous as they should be considering the time and dedication it takes to get even a B average here. This is not your average blow-off state school.