Truman State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Greek life is definitely a huge activity. Students who choose to get involved with Greek life are very cliquey and don't associate as often with other students. Our Student Activities Board is also a very popular organization, and also highly competitive. SAB sponsors a huge music group every semester, a well known speaker, and a variety of comedians. They also host a smattering of random activities, usually associated with the season, to break up a boring week, and movie nights. Almost all activities are free, funded by a fee students pay every year. Activities wise, partying is definitely the post popular activity. Freshman week is notorious for huge frat parties trying to attract freshman girls during their first week of freedom. Because of the small town size, students often struggle with finding activities, but I know that, while I do drink, if I ever want to do something else I can always figure something out.


Truman is a pretty diverse university! Most of our sports are not the greatest, but we still support the teams. The intramural leagues are popular and competitive, though. I have enjoyed playing intramural volleyball last year and plan to play again this year. We have a good theater program and bring in a lot of great speakers, entertainers, musicians, comedians, and shows. I am highly involved with CRU the interdenominational Christian organization on campus and love it! I am also marginally involved with the Society for Creative Anachronism, and would be involved in lots of other organizations, if only I had time! If I am awake at 2 am on a Tuesday, which happens quite often, I am most certainly doing homework.


Large frequent drunken parties/orgies. I have never been, but considering the number of students i have seen incoherant in front lawns, and the stories i've heard (which may or may not be reliable considering the fact that the recounter of the story had to be at the party and was therefore likely inebrieated themselves) I would never want to be in attendance anyway.


As previously stated, I'm a member of the Sigma Alpha sorority. Sigma Alpha is a professional Agriculture sorority, focused on the women pursuing degrees in agriculture. We're a group of really goofy girls that all want to go on to do something in the ag based world we live in. Every year Sigma Alpha puts on a haunted corn maze in October, which raises money for our charites and promotes good clean fun! There are many other sororities and fraternities that are availiable, not only social, but professional, service, and honors groups too! If the greek life isn't for you, then there are hundreds of groups with all different goals. there are parties almost every weekend, but they're all different places and you can meet totally different people at them. I spend alot of time with our brother fraternity, the Alpha Gamma Rho's, partying and chilling at their house just off campus. there are several bars downtown if that's your thing, and picnics at the lake are a hit in good weather, so there really is something for every one. unless you want a big night club, then you have to drive to Columbia. :P


If you are a part of a Varsity sports team, that is most likely the group you will associate with the most. Many students rush a fraternity or sorority to find a social life. Rarely do the two coincide. I rushed a sorority merely to meet people. And I fell in love with the Greek system and especially my girls. There is always something to do when affiliated. Because of my sorority and the Greek system, I definitely have no room to complain about my social life. I would say the dating scene is exciting and promising Freshman year. But as you get older, the potential datees become fewer and fewer, as either your friends have dated him or you've "heard" about him, or he's belongs to the group of your best guy friends. Kirksville is a small town you know, and Truman's campus isn't all the larger either. As a senior I'm putting my dating life on hold until after graduation. Athletic events are incredibly popular as we don't go to any of the big tourneys etc. But it's fun to go to a game, especially when you know people on the team. Hitting up a soccer game on a gorgeous day is the perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.


We have a strong Greek Life, Intramurals, a million organizations, and an awesome Student Activities Board with a nice budget that brings comedians, bands, and many interesting speakers to campus throughout the year.


Groups/clubs/teams are huge on campus. It is very easy to get involved with something. If you are not into sports or clubs, I would recommend joining a Fraternity/Sorority. I spent 2 years unaffiliated, and have spent the past 2 years as a member of a fraternity. My social life ballooned exponentially when this happened. It is a fantastic way to meet people, educate yourself, and in Truman's case...raise your grades and keep them high. Many believe that joining a fraternity or sorority at Truman is the only thing you can do to have a social life. I don't know if I agree with it, but considering the lack of functions to take up your time in Kirksville, (other than the bars, movie theater, and bowling) I would recommend going Greek, joining a club/team, or getting involved any way you can.


Since we live in Kirksville, MO there is not much for the socializing we can do besides on campus stuff. So, the kids stay out of trouble for the most part. We have to create our own fun, which for some it may involve frat partys, drinking, going to a friends house and watching movies, or just chilling in the dorms and having studying parties (yeah).


Social life = :( ! There aren't really many things to do since its a small town but SAB provides a lot of free entertainment and the greeks host shows where we can all attend, so its not too bad! There isn't really anything you can do on a sturday night that doesn't involve alcohol unfortunately... well you could go to the movies...


It is so important to be involved in at least one organization on campus at Truman. It's a small town and being involved gives you so many more opportunities! I was in a service sorority and I wouldn't change that experience for anything. Campus offers movies and other fun activities throughout every semester , so no matter what there is always something to do!


There are over 200 organizations on campus and if students do not get involved in something at Truman, they will be miserable because there is nothing else to do in Kirksville. Frats and Sororities make up a lg majority of the students, but it is not necessary to join one to make friends. Because there is nothing to do in Kirksville, the SAB tries to bring concerts, comedians, host events etc. for the students- some are lame, some are pretty great. In the dorms, many students leave their dorm rooms open and are in and out of each other's rooms. If students are up at 2:00am they are either studying/cramming for an exam or drinking. Truman has a lame dating scene. The campus is small enough so many students have preconceived notions about one another; gay, lesbian, bisexuals make up a large majority of the campus or people just do not date


if you don't join a frat or sorority don't plan on going to many parties...


I have some amazing friends! Some of them i met within my residence hall, but others I have met through my classes or organizations. But there is no one to date- truman needs to work on having a better social life for its students. Awake at 2 am on a Tuesday- I'm studying and still working on homework. I think most people party at least every other weekend just to relieve the stress from the homework and studying and the stress.


The Greek life is thriving but far from dominating the campus. Many students are in some organization or another, even if it is just a professional Greek organization. Community service is a big deal on campus. Homecoming is not really a big deal, neither are sports. The dorms tend to have very tight communities, it's how I met most of my friends. Parties are a big deal, but most people I know only go out on weekends and an occasional weekday. The town has a very good Hastings and some pretty decent restaurants that deliver, so movie nights are reasonably frequent. Guest speakers draw crowds, I've never really been to a theater presentation, and the semester comedian and band concerts are big draws. The Student Activities Board does a good job in general getting entertaining things for the students.


Social life and activities are awesome at Truman. There are so many things for students to get involved in!! I joined rugby, and it was the most awesome part of my college career. I tried multiple organizations my freshman year, and that was fun, until i found the crowd and people that i truely fit in with. I really enjoyed the dorms my freshman year and that was where I made all of my friends my freshnan year. Residence life offers many activities. Parties happen, you can always find one, but besides fraternities, they are mosly more like a small gathering of friends. I always partied with my rugby friends and that was fun for me. Kirksville has Pancake City (aka Shittys) which is a great place to go to at 2 am. And Il Spazio is a unique restuant that often has live music and a chill atmosphere and a bar. There are many bars downtown as well.


All the fun things you can do on a Saturday night that does not involve drinking: Catch a train at the train bridge... it is a pretty awesome experience, anyone could tell you Go to Pancake City... you're bound to have a good time no matter what. It's Pancake City. Just one rule: you shouldn't go til after 12! Watch a movie... sometimes staying in and chilling in sweats is exactly what you want to do after a long week Ultimate Frisbee. in the dark. Stick Ball on the tennis courts, because they're always lit at night! Walmart trip. There's always something interesting to find there. Play on one of the playgrounds in K-ville. Sometimes you've just gotta be a kid again. Drive past the city limits where it's dark and star gaze. The night sky is 10X better in the country than where I'm from in Chicago. Start a prank war. Ideally targeting all the people who are out getting wasted. ;) Play capture the flag on campus. Explore the abandoned ski lodge. Or...Participate in one of the many events going on around campus anyway, like an SAB event or an organizational function... you won't regret checking out something different!


Greeks, SAB, music, and sports teams seem to be the most popular groups to get involved with. I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ and student dorm life. CRU was amazing! It had weekly gathering with amazing people. It always was a good time. CRU is open and very welcoming to visitors. Athletic events aren't very popular at all. The SAB events bring in the most people. The dating scene is There are definitely some lookers here. You just have to watch who you date and their motives. Parties are very common because there is not much to do here. There isn't really pressure to attend though. Even those people who aren't drinkers will attend some. You have to be aware of whose party your going to, but many people just go to dance and socialize- you will have those greek parties where it is just a huge drunkfest though too. Fraternities and soroities are fairly popular, but you have to be aware that you will be defined by which one you join. There are different activities and well known people that perform at Truman and is fun to see. If you don't drink and want something to do I guess I'd say that sports/working out, watching movies, and Wal-Mart visits are the most common things to do.


Im in a greek organization but the university hates greek life and does whatever it can to impead our activites, reguardless of if they are social or other.


Students in the residence halls leave their doors open pretty frequently, which is nice to build community and make friends. In fact, I met most of my closest friends my freshmen year in my residence hall! Fraternities and sororities are the most popular type of student group on campus, but it's not necessary to join one to make friends or fit in. There is very little discrimination between Greeks and non-Greeks, so there's no pressure to join and pay a lot of money to make friends. People party on the weekends mostly, but there are some parties during the week. Again, a lot of people don't ever party or drink in the traditional "Animal-House" way, so there's no pressure to party, either.


Kirksville is small but you make your own fun. Find an organization that you love and hold on to it. Be as invoved as possible and you'll never want for things to do.