The worst thing about Truman has to be the food. The food is god awful. We have a partnership with Sodexo and oh my gosh it is digusting. One time my boyfriend found a plastic gear in his food or another time when my chicken was both raw and just covered with a disgusting coat of grease. Honestly Aldi's and Hyvee saved my stomach.
The worst thing about Truman has to be the food. The food is god awful. We have a partnership with Sodexo and oh my gosh it is digusting. One time my boyfriend found a plastic gear in his food or another time when my chicken was both raw and just covered with a disgusting coat of grease. Honestly Aldi's and Hyvee saved my stomach.
The worst thing about the school is that it provides a stressful atmosphere for many students. The school is academically rigorous, which tends to cause stress to students about achieving high grades in classes.
The location makes it difficult to find fun things to do off campus.
As an art major, one of the worst prospects about Truman State is the inconsistency in the teaching corriculum or lack there of in a few classes within the art department. It is also disappointing that Truman offers graphic design and digital imaging, but not computer animation or special effects animation. Generally, one of the worst things is that registration is so topsy turvy. Classes that freshmen really need to have to gain as a pre-requisite fill up too fast and are unavailable to many freshmen who then, get behind on graduating at the time they wanted to.
Although I love my school there is one thing about Truman that can be frustrating. Truman is located in a very small town in the northern part of the state. The closest city is an hour and a half away. I come from a big city so getting use to the small town atmosphere can almost be culture shock. Activities I took for granted back home, like shopping or finding doctors, are limited due to the size of the town. The school itself tries to provide activities for students which do help but I still occasionally miss the big city.
The worst thing about Truman State University is when I was trying to figure out what classes to take at community college, I had asked the transfer coordinator what I should take. She helped me out a little bit, but didn't send me the sheet that listed every class needed for my degree. Had I had that information, I would be further in my degree.
The worst thing about my school is the location. Kirksville is a small rural town and is a one-eighty when coming from a large city.
The worst thing about Truman State is that it's located in the middle of nowhere. It is a long drive to get home because Truman is so remote.
I think the lack of diversity socially, economically, and racially. The majority of students are white middle class students between the ages of 17-25.
In the middle of nowhere with few resources except through internet.
The worst thing about Truman is the lack of financial aid I am receiving.
Truman State is located in a smaller town, which means there is not an abundance of palces to go (stores mainly)
I think the worst thing about our school is the way they spend money. I work for them on facilities, a non-scholarship job, and I see the way they spend money. They waste a lot and it frustrates me because I pay about 4000 dollars in tution every year with no schoarship help (just fafsa help).
The worst thing about my school is that change is sometimes slow to come about. However the administration is very attentive and open to the needs of the students. Overall I can't pick out any problems that I have with my school that can't be found other schools.
The worst thing about Truman is that sometimes I feel a little restricted. I feel that we could be pushed a little more than we are and could have some more resources that bigger schools have.
The location. It is in Kirksville, MO which is small and not close to any cities.
The food-service here, Sodexo, is not very good. Fortunately, because of all of the other wonderful things about Truman, the bad cafeteria food is not so bad of a sacrifice. There are other dining options and there is a grocery store that is about 1/2 mile away. Even though the quality of food isn't the greatest, the staff is super-friendly, helpful, and helps make Truman such a wonderful place to be. I love Truman, and you will, too.
It is fairly far away from large cities. This makes it a long drive for most students.
Sometimes it seemed like the university was disorganized and paperwork would take too long to be processed. I wish the academic advising had been better, and especially some more forethought into the practicality of certain majors. Students need to understand the possible job oportunities associated with particular degrees.