That we are all weird nerds. And like to talk about math problems in our spare time.
We think we are absolutly Brilliant; as the school dubs itself the, "Harvard of the Midwest."
One probably is that truman students are smarter and that when you come here you are joining an enclave of serious students, this is patently bull.
The main stereotype I can think of is that Truman is a very hard school to get into, and that all Truman students have time to do is study.
Every school has it's respective stereotypes. Among the most common for TSU include: "Truman girls are ugly", "TSU kids don't know how to have fun", "TSU kids are brainy and boring", etc.
There's nothing to do.
It is widely believed that Truman students were the brainy, glasses wearing, suspenders toting, nerds from high school.
that everyone that goes to truman is already extremely smart and knows what they want to do.
Nothing to do in Kirksville, students are all nerds, the town and school are too small to survive!
Nerdy, smart, like to read, ask a lot of questions
Truman is a hard school and Truman students are extremely smart!
It's harder than the average school and you will work for it.
There is nothing to do except go to Wal-Mart.
When someone askes what college I attend and I mention it's TSU, the response is usually, "Ohhh you must be really smart." Truman students are smart, competitive (academically, not athletically), stressed, sleep deprived, etc.
They are all geeks. That outside of the athletic population and greek life, its a bunch of nerds. the faculty and higher-ups don't care about building strong sports teams.
That we are nerds, don't have fun, always stressed
St. Louis Area biology students.
That we are all smart.
I came from out of state, and though Chicago is not thousands of miles away, no one has ever heard of Truman. So considering that, I had no preconceived ideas about Truman coming into the year, save that it was the school that I ended up being most attracted to for its size and price.
It bugged me so much my first year to see students selling or donning Truman State t-shirts boasting "Harvard of the Midwest." Come on. Truman academics aren't a piece of cake, but I can tell you that after talking to friends at the Ivy League schools, Truman is NO Harvard. Truman students like to characterize themselves as being "bright and studious..." and, while that is true, it's not a characteric unique to Truman students. Obviously.
With that said, Truman does have a lot going for it, especially for its price: attentive faculty, strong campus organizations, and always lots going on around campus. For that, I'll settle with Truman's stereotype of being a "great buy."
Truman is said to be the Harvard of the Midwest, with some of the brightest students
People are thought to be geeks with now lives