Truman State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Truman State University?


A person who is unwilling to adhere to change, is not well suited for my school. Going to college is no easy task, you have to be able to adapt to new situations, and the unexpected. Someone who cannot take these new experiences and develop them into who they are will not do well at my college.


A person who is not focused solely on academics should not attend this school whatsoever. If you aren't coming here with a solid plan of what you want to acheive in life, Truman will chew you up and spit you out really fast. Academics are very important at this university and if a student is not willing to put their education above everything else, Truman is not the place for you.


Students who value the party scene more than academics.


I would say, if you are not ready to learn, this school will not be too good for you. I would say Lazy students are out of Bounds. We are regarded as the "Harvard of the Mid-West".


I belive that anyone who wants to attend Truman should. They should keep in mind that this is a small school in a small town, but there are many perks. For instance, the fact that the classes are smaller, tuition is cheaper, and we are the "Harvard of the Mid-West." Students who prefer to live in a bigger city should not attend this school because Kirksville only has a population of seventeen thousand. Lastly, if you want to attend a school you should always go on a campus tour to ensure it is the correct one for you!


Someone who is not serious about obtaining a degree.


Someone who is really into college sports or likes large schools. Truman State is on the smaller side and sports aren't really a big deal. Greek life isn't really a big deal either, there are no sorority houses.


The kind of person who should not attend Truman State University is someone who is not serious about their school work.


The ideal Truman student wants to participate in Greek life but study hard, writes quality papers but drinks--sometimes heavily--on the weekends, and doesn't mind buying everything he or she needs--from groceries to household items--from Wal-Mart.


Someone that attends school for social reasons rather than seriously focused on studies


A person should not consider attending Truman State University if they are not motivated and willing to work hard while being challenged academically. Coursework at Truman is challenging and the professors expect the best from students. If one feels the need to be surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, Kirksville is not the place for them, since it's a city of just about 17,000. Also, while there are plenty of parties to go to, frequent partiers won't be able to keep up with the academic pace and won't last long here.


People that are not motivated and just want to party all the time. and cannot balance work and fun.


Someone who doesn't mind boring saturday nights and likes cheap schools.


Those who don't take their work seriously and get stressed out too easily.


Stupid and lazy people will not survive, as will those who are very attached to urban environs and lifestyles.