Take advantage of the New Orleans culture. There are plenty of really good restaurants, clubs, and shops in the area, only a trolly ride away. Mardi Gras really is one giant party, but it's not all about coeds bearing breasts and drinking until you blackout. Mardi Gras is a family activity for the residents of New Orleans and is definitely one of the reasons students choose Tulane.
One of the things that bothers me is the student body's lack of courtesy. I find that the students I meet from the Northeast feel the need to make fun of my mild southern accent and will actually close the door on your if you have a pile of books in your arms. While the students are diverse, it seems that some students do not respect the backgrounds of others and seem to expect all southern people to walk around with no shoes on and talk like the Beverly Hillbillies.
All-in-all, Tulane is an excellent academic institute that has some bugs to work out. Most students are attracted by the campus and either fall in love with it at first sight or hate it from the first day of school until they leave, there is very little in between.
Tulane is known as the Stanford of the South. We earned that reputation.
As graduates our popualtion will have more to offer than cirrhosis of the liver.
Tulane is a great school, but only IF YOU'RE INVOLVED!!!
some kids fail out because they can't handle the school work. they think all their peers partying till 5 am and blowing coke all night are skipping classes and getting D's just like they are. but really, a lot of kids manage to party hard all the time and get A's not just because theyre smarter but because they understand how to manage their time. if you can't distinguish between school and play, or think you're going to get really into (aka addicted) to drugs/coke/something more extreme, then maybe you should not come here.
Tulane does what Tulane wants to do!!! With next to NO willingness to inform others about it. For most of my time there I can say that I am GLAD I do not have to deal with such high levels of FOOLISHNESS from such a Large group of people now..
You would be an idiot not to want to go to school where it is 70 degrees and sunny most of the year and you can experience the culture of New Orleans.
i just loved my experience at tulane. talking to my friends at other colleges, i'm not sure if many of them feel as passionate about their school as i do for tulane. not much else ot say except if you go there you will not regret it, i promise!!
If I could tell a prospective student to bring two things with them to Tulane, I would say to bring rainboots and sunscreen. When it rains in New Orleans, the streets often flood. Rainboots were the most useful pair of shoes I owned. When its sunny in New Orleans, the sun is strong so sunscreen is important. The social pool is the best thing ever in 90 degree weather so bring a bathing suit and sunscreen!
All said and done, the school is still fantastic. This is coming from a non-drinker, who isn't at Tulane for Pre-Med or Business (it's specialties) and who was suckered in on promises about community engagement that may have been unfounded (or not yet realized).