Union College-Schenectady Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Union College-Schenectady accurate?


Not necessarily. They are definitely present, but they are not overwhelmingly apparent.


These stereotypes are not really that accurate since there is always a ton to do on campus and people like myself who do not enjoy greek life, can always find something more fun to do. Also there is a great deal of diversity on campus with multicultural fairs and multiple clubs and organizations for every culture and religion as well as many efforts to increase communication and discussion between people from different backgrounds.


For the most part they are true. However, there is some diversity on the campus.


Not at all. There are so many down to Earth people on this campus. No matter where you go there will be stuck up people, and Union doesn't have any more of these types of students then any other college. The majority of students are just themselves and chill people. As far as the partying goes, yes Union students do party a lot, but no not everyone drinks. There are a lot of people that just hangout and watch movies on the weekend and find other things to do then just party. If you aren't the party type, don't worry because there are a lot of people that are the same way on campus. Union has a lot of students who don't party and aren't big drinkers.


This stereotype is not accurate because I have never heard negative feedback about the trimester system from Union students. Even though the curriculum goes very fast, students are able to keep up with their work and have plenty of time to study for their exams. The trimester system allows students to focus on the three classes they have so their schedule is not too chaotic. Also, students only have to worry about three finals, oppose to five or six. Sometimes students only have to write final papers for some of their classes, so they only end up with one or two finals. Lastly, a seven week winter break is incorporated into the trimester system. This allows the students to relax, visit their friends, or get a job/internship.


to some extent, yes. i think the second one is more accurate than the first because i do feel the "work hard, play hard" attitude pretty often on campus. however, 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class alone is of color, and coming from a school where there were literally 2 minorities in the entire school, i think its great and really diverse.


NOT AT ALL! In all honesty, there are a lot of "rich, white, preppy kids from New England" but there are also a ton of types of kids walking around campus. Everyone here is different and diversity is strong on campus. If people think that Union has a one-type student they are wrong. People love this school because everyone fits in and because of that, one's group of friends is diverse and cultured. Student at Union value their academics far beyond their social life. The library is always packed, class discussions are always active, and an eagerness to learn is felt throughout the school. Union kids do know how to have fun but everyone knows that academics and doing well comes first, and is more important.


"If you go to Union you must be smart." I would say that this stereotype is true- many Union students hold high standards and work hard. Union has so many resources to whatever major you may be interested in whether it be science and math or English and social sciences. "You must have money to go to Union." This stereotype is entirely not true! Union is so amazing at providing financial aid and scholarships to its students and incorporating work study to help pay for tuition. There are so many resources and programs Union offers to allow those who desire to go to Union but cannot afford it the chance to get a Union education. "A large amount of students are Caucasian and there is little diversity at Union." This stereotype, however, is not true. Though there is a strong presence of upper-class students on campus, there are so many events and clubs catered to maintaining diversity. I was worried about the amount of diversity I would be exposed to at Union at first in that I am local and I worried there would be many other locals. However, Union has a strong foreign exchange program and sister schools around the country, pulling students from a variety of states and backgrounds. Between the annual Banghra shows each term and the MANY cultural events featuring foods from all over the world, Union is a diverse melting pot of great minds.


Sure, there is a little bit of everything at Union College, which means some kids actually are only interested in partying and hanging out with their own crowd. So, while this preppy, exclusive club does exist (as it probably exists in other schools as well), there are many other types of people to create an intermixed social atmosphere. I have had no trouble finding a group of friends I can have fun with!


Not necessarily. While there are many students who come from wealthy families, there are many more who do not. While the majority of students at the college are white, there is a very visible minority presence. These students are very active on campus and the college's international program is very strong. While there aren't a lot of minorities, they certainly aren't hidden. There definitely is a lot of partying, but that's not the only thing that goes on during the weekends. If you don't want to party, you don't have to and you won't be bored. The college offers plenty of other things to do and ways to have fun.