From what I have noticed, the sciences at Union, especially engineering, are pretty rigorous. Yet I feel that the humanities could use a lift.
Professors know your name and want to help you for the most part.
Students study... a lot and a little. It depends on your major and work ethic, naturally.
Academics are good, in general, but only for the majors that are the most popular. Engineering and Political Science seem to have a good program, but smaller majors like Art and Classics really are lacking. The faculty is good and do their best, but the lack resources for small major, greatly impacts progress. Most faculty members are always willing to help students outside of class. Students don't seem that competitive, but most students don't slack completely. Academic GenEd requirements are fair, in general, but seem like hell when you're completing them. Sometimes declaring a special major is a good way to get around the dumbest of the major requirements.
small classes where professors should know your name unless you are a total flameout. academics are definately discussed outside of class, but not on the same level as, say, the ivy's.
Since Union is such a small school (about 2,200), it's easy to become familiar with professors. The most large classes are about 45-50 students. Occasionally, if there is large enough demand, classes can be extended to about 75 students. The only class with over a hundred students is the Holocaust class, which fits two hundred, and fills every time it is offered. Student participation is often inversely proportional to how large the class is, but also dependent on the professor - the same you'll find everywhere.
Because Union is on the trimester system, students only take three classes a term - unless they add a fourth, but that is the exception. This makes terms short but intensive. Most classes meet two or three times a week, and you need to keep up with the work, because midterms and finals will hit you before you know it.
While Union has a list of requirements for graduation, they are not that difficult to fill. While they might be annoying, they ensure that if you only want to do math and science that you take some reading and writing intensive classes. However, they make sure to cater to those who hate, say, reading, and offer a variety of low-level classes that will fill the requirement in the least painful way.
While I am undecided, I have had professors here that have been able to suddenly make me think about considering majors I would have never considered before.
I know all my teachers pretty well and they all know my name and who I am. They are always willing to help, just send them an email, go to their office hours, or schedule an appointment with them. Students study all over campus, in their dorms, library, Minervas, outside when the weather's warm. Also, we always have lots of recruiters on campus.
Academics are great. Although, as a freshman, I don't always get my first choice of the classes I want to take, as Freshmen pick classes last. Most of my professors know me if not by name than at least by face. The amount of studying that students do really depends on the classes they are taking or the major they have. My engineering friends have a lot more time-consuming work than I, as an English major, have. I think that Union's academic requirements are great. We have a lot of leeway in the classes we take. They just have to fit in with the categories. I don't have to take calculus or biology or physics if I don't want to. There are science and math courses that are geared more towards the people who are stronger in the humanities and social science courses. I think that the education is what you make of it. You can make it about getting a job, like the engineering majors, or you can make it about learning for its own sake. I know that I take the classes that interest me, while keeping the requirements I need to fulfill in mind.
The political science department has some truly incredible professors who could be at Harvard but care too much about students to teach at an Ivy League school where working with undergraduate students and even knowing their names rarely happens. Conversely, Union allows for an intimate environment between students and professors.
Unfortunately, there are some terrible professors who constantly degrade students who are not liberal in class and seem to feel that it is their duty to impart upon the student their own opinions and values rather than an objective perspective. If you disagree with some professors, you're wrong and this will show up in your grades. This seems to be a problem across American academia, however, and is certainly not isolated to Union. In fact, Union's stellar professors compensate for the bad apples. Lesson to new college students everywhere: Watch out, and don't be afraid to stick to your guns when professors challenge you--they generally have an agenda.
Academics here are very good. Most classes are 25 or less students so you have better interactions with your professors. There are only a couple of classes that take large numbers of students and those are one like the Holocaust class which takes 200 students, but i heard that it is one of the best classes you can take at Union. All the professors i have had especially in the math department really encourage kids to ask questions and come to there office hours. The professors are very helpful and very knowledgable. So far I would have to say my favorite class has been my Improv class for acting. It was a great way to learn more about yourself and how comfortable you are with yourself, while allowing you to have fun in a class for three hours!!! Dont worry most classes are only an hour or hour and 45 if you are on a tuesday/thursday schedule. You only have three classes a term or four if you are in the honors or engineering program. And the trimester system is great. having only three classes is a lot less stressful and the classes are still intense because they are taught in a shorter amount of time but you have more free time during the day to get your work done. One other class i would recommend is any kind of magic class with professor Sargent. I am currently taking History of magic mystics and Witchcraft and it is very interesting and it fulfills a WAC and GEnEd requirement but sargent is so energetic and its fun to learn how the ideas of magic we have now came about.
professors attentive and usually well prepared
Unions education is tailored towards teaching you through experience. I have had ample speakers come into my classes to tell you first hand experiences about what they had to go through which really does help you in figuring out what you want to do later in life. The teachers are very personable and I have had close relationships with many of my teachers. They make you work hard, and think about big issues.